looking for Input on New webpage

My website was hacked and crashed and has been down for a while I just put a new one up and am looking for feedback.. This is just the start and I will be adding more photos over the next couple weeks let me know what you think of it...


 Where are the putbulls and skulls?

   Make it look like this x1000

More blood imho Phone Post

I knew something was missing

 Site is nice and clean.

I think the page has dual purpose. First is to promoter the gym to interested students. Second is to inform abpout the Kachin systems.

That is not clear intiially however. I would make an effort to either clearly define the two aspects on the main page, or make one the central purpose of the site.

Thanks Kirik thats the Type of feedback I need

Hi Phil,

been a big fan of your posts for years (i like southeast asian martial arts)

i like the page, it had everything i was looking for, but i had to look for it:

i would put the class info, class structure, instructor links directly on the home/first page for easy access.

Maybe have two sites, you just for kachin arts, and one just for AFS and they can drive traffic to each other, (or everything Kirik said)

I love the content on the variety of Kachin arts =)
on that page however i would put the martial arts links below the links for your forum, newsletter, and facebook. You want people on those things so they need to be one of the first things visible on every page. Also instead of a link for the newsletter, maybe just a box for a person to write their email in, and click send.

best of luck!

 As was said, lcear info on the asylum fight team, schedule, content of classes etc is needed... really good info on the burmese arts on there btw

best of luck



going to be working on the site and make some changes this weekend so any other suggestions are welcome