Looking for Striking Coach for MMA Gym Queens NYC

Hey Guys,

Figured this would be a good place to throw this out there.

We are looking to implement a striking program at our school. We are located in the Bayside Area in Queens, New York. We currently have a strong Grappling Program (BJJ, Judo, Sub Wrestling) and MMA Classes.

Anyone who is interested in a teaching position please contact me at QueensBJJ@gmail.com

Please include a short description of yourself with your credentials and availability.

Competition experience a plus.


frombrooklynwithlove - Why don't you just tell us the name of your school or who your grappling and MMA coaches are?

No one wants to go teach at some school and find out it's full of posers. And likewise, if you list legit instructors, your not gonna get the Shawn Obasi types asking to teach at your school.

LOL...competition experience a plus. YOU THINK?
Sounds like a Craigslist ad.

I'm not really sure exactly where the hostility is coming from.

If anyone asked I would gladly tell them, actually our website is queens-mma.com. We have very good instructors and I am very proud of the product we put out.

Maybe your having a bad day or just a miserable person in general but Please take your shit attitude somewhere else.


Member Since: 5/14/10

Posts: 405

From: frombrooklynwithlove Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile

Posted: 6 hours ago

 VTFD 3x lord what a dick stick 10er  !

ANyway sup GRdSTorm    :) been awhile since i  see u on the forum man  hahaah

glad to see u are swinging it at the new place... bro  and will check out the  spot ...

i wish i could swing by there but i am in  Pa now  :)



thanks man, if your in the neighborhood, stop by.