Lost So Much Respect For The Gracie Name

Just re-watched the Gracie Breakdown of Metamoris 3, and not once did they acknowledge that Bravo dominated Royler. Actually, I've yet to hear any Gracie admit it. That's just sad. How in the world am I suppose to trust an instructor to teach me what he truly believes to be the best methods of defending myself and my loved ones lives if I can't trust that instructor to admit something so obvious?

Nothing will ever change what the Gracie's did for martial arts. But, until I actually hear a Gracie admit that Bravo was dominant in that match, I'll never spend a dollar on any of them. Even if one is on a UFC main card, I just wont do it. 

They don't have to admit anything.

The Gracies discovered Japan and invented electricity. Phone Post 3.0

The good news is that you don't have to worry about one of them being in a UFC main event. Phone Post 3.0

MMA Lives Here -
gorillagrappling - The good news is that you don't have to worry about one of them being in a UFC main event. Phone Post 3.0
Kron will headline a UFC card in 2017 Phone Post 3.0
Lol. Fair enough. Phone Post 3.0

They've been pretty petty about the whole thing.

Of course they won't acknowledge that bravo was dominant because they don't want to damage their brand. As far as they're concerned it was a back and forth match between the much older gracie vs younger eddie that ended in a draw. They probably see it as moral victory.
Its no different than when you're watching your favorite team play against a team you hate, you never acknowledge the other team doing something good that made your own team look stupid. Phone Post 3.0

onandon - They've been pretty petty about the whole thing.

I don't get what harm it would cause to just be honest about the whole thing. 

I don't know why, but I was expecting the perfect movie ending. Where in the post fight speech Royler would quiet down the crowd, grab Eddie like he was mad at him... and then raise his hand in victory. The crowd would go crazy, and then Royler would call Eddie a Gracie or something, fade to black.

The Gracies will not admit defeat, because their philosophy is "If you don't lose, you win." Phone Post 3.0

malryan - Of course they won't acknowledge that bravo was dominant because they don't want to damage their brand. As far as they're concerned it was a back and forth match between the much older gracie vs younger eddie that ended in a draw. They probably see it as moral victory.
Its no different than when you're watching your favorite team play against a team you hate, you never acknowledge the other team doing something good that made your own team look stupid. Phone Post 3.0

I've never been that way. The Lakers are my favorite basketball team and I have no problem admitting that they suck donkey balls. It's actually pretty fun admitting defeat, because then it gives you something to work towards. 

StelioKontos - why would they say eddie bravo dominated their own uncle on their own channel?? they made the video to breakdown the match not to give props to eddie bravo. they talk good about their uncle, so what? that's their family member they're talking about. just take it for what it is and continue to show interest

How can you "breakdown the match" while downplaying the effectiveness of the techniques used?


If I didn't see the match, I'd of had no idea that those moves worked as well as they did.


It looked to me like Royler's knee was being fucked up, and Eddie says the same thing. But in the breakdown, they specifically say that Royler was fine the whole time and that Eddie was basically using the Vaporizer more so as a control position than a submission attempt. They don't even get into whether or not Royler's controlling the leg via gripping the pants made the difference or not... something I was genuinely curious about.

ImTheSandMan - 
MMA Lives Here - 
gorillagrappling - The good news is that you don't have to worry about one of them being in a UFC main event. Phone Post 3.0
Kron will headline a UFC card in 2017 Phone Post 3.0

This guy is a troll, just ignore him and he will go away.

yep, he won't last.

The breakdowns ain't shit. Just a commercial for their product. They are 100% selling all the time. 24/7/365.
Don't expect anything but an infomercial from them ever. Even when they go on other podcasts, it ends up being a long commercial for the online "school" which, they'll have you believe, is actually better than a bricks n mortar school. Yeah, so... anybody not taking everything they say with a huge grain of salt is a grade A rube. Phone Post 3.0

Gracies were first folks to slice bread. Phone Post 3.0

Some members of the Gracie family - but by no means in any way all - have a belief so strong in GJJ that they do not acknowledge losses. This has been the case since before the UFC started. On the Gracie in Action tapes, the Kimura vs. Helio match was described as a win because Helio lasted so long. Even from the clips provided, Helio was not winning, even before Kimura broke his arm with a "Kimura."

So this is not new.

Poor sportsmanship in losing is a failure of character. We are all human beings, and all have similar failures. And that's theirs - they don't lose gracefully.

It's not that big a deal - there's lots lots lots lots lots worse character failures.

"Moral victory." Phone Post 3.0

you guys act like eddie won,thats funny.

Ray Cappa - The breakdowns ain't shit. Just a commercial for their product. They are 100% selling all the time. 24/7/365.
Don't expect anything but an infomercial from them ever. Even when they go on other podcasts, it ends up being a long commercial for the online "school" which, they'll have you believe, is actually better than a bricks n mortar school. Yeah, so... anybody not taking everything they say with a huge grain of salt is a grade A rube. Phone Post 3.0
You make it sound like selling something is evil. UFC was just an informercial for the same product. Phone Post 3.0

Rabid Bunyip - They don't have to admit anything.

The Gracies discovered Japan and invented electricity. Phone Post 3.0

Easytarget - When Hughes dominated Royce wasn't the line from some of them because he used GJJ therefore it was a win for GJJ?

There was a bit of that sentiment.

Then there was Relson Gracie who practically disowned Royce for not using GJJ in that fight.

And of course Matt Hughes said he just plain out-wrassled him Phone Post 3.0

Not all Gracies are of this mindset, remember. A number of them always tell it like it is...