LUTA LIVRE - The 'dirty grappling' of no-gi...

Had the pleasure of working with Luta Livre Champion and coach to a number of UFC fighters - Marcelo Brigadeiro a number of years ago, filmed an 8 part series of full length instruction vids...

Some really interesting techniques, variations on more common submissions, along with a lot of techniques that might get classed as 'dirty grappling' under certain rules... very good for MMA though and general no-gi fighting.

Just got the series back online so making them available for free

First 2 episodes, each approx 40-45mins long are currently online now on the following link.

The rest being added soon :)

Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think?

Episode 4 just added -

Free instruction series, this one looks at submission counters to takedown - choke, reverse triangle, heel hooks

Episode 5 just added

Submissions from guard

Looks at ankle lock, ankle crank, knee bar and choke!

free to view on

More to come...!