Lyoto machida was a child actor.... the 80's. I just got finished watching "The Monster Squad" and I saw that lyoto machida was in the starring role. I always knew I recognized him from somewhere, and I did. He stopped Dracula from turning the world to eternal darkness, and for that I thank him. Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

If that pic is recent it looks like Lyoto is cutting down to fight at middleweight!

If Machida ever meets DanTheWolfman, he should kick him in the nards.

DanTheWolfman has nards? Phone Post 3.0

he also cut records


WeidmansPHD_in_G0atslaying_fr0m_h0fstra_U -

he also cut records


Looks like Machida fucked Erick Silva, while Ricky Martin watched. Phone Post

Hocky Balboa - 
WeidmansPHD_in_G0atslaying_fr0m_h0fstra_U -

he also cut records


Looks like Machida fucked Erick Silva, while Ricky Martin watched. Phone Post

Haha- I remember that from some list of 'Worst Album Covers'!
It was called 'Por La Prima Vera' or something?