LytesOuT Deep Dive -The Ronin " Carlos Newton "

He needs to open up more about his fights

Kept going back to the fighters union…


To hell with all these guys I just want to know what revolution John Perretti is going to lead us through.

Will give it a listen.

Really enjoyed Mario Sperry as well.


Eddie still has a podcast? I thought he was out. What’s the name of it?

there’s some kfab in this one, no?

I loved watching Newton fight, I thought Newton beat Henderson back in the day but I prob need to re-watch the fight.


@anon78982929 ”Look into it” Eddie Bravo podcast

He isn’t a really good interviewer but I am a fan so f him as a person

  • I am an Eddie mark truth be told

In our Zinoviev interview, he gets brought up
A few times

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Newton won the fight. I rewatched it for the first time in years a while back. Newton was more aggressive and did a lot more damage in that fight. Can’t really see how anyone would see it differently. Judges loved “decision Dan” for years. For a while, he could not lose on the cards. Try to watch the Rings King of Kings tournament for the best example of this. Henderson won by pure robbery twice.

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What’s crazy is this

Newton won the He Derain fight and they gave it to the wrestler

They went against the wrestler in the Coleman against Rizzo and against Randleman vs Rutten

Fell asleep listening then finished I think as waking back up.

Funny comment when John Perretti mentioned he was trying to do right by the sport and the fighters.

Must have been Mike that commented if John P did not take that path/approach he would have received a letter from a lawyer/legal notice ! (From Carlos) Considering the build up and culmination of prior comments and returning the topic by Carlos it was a pretty damn funny comment to insert.

Dan got a lot of decision "W"s that I disagree with

That’s a fair statment