m tate vs felice

Felice Herrig

Lol isn't this cute. heather can't fight her own battles so she has Miesha do it for her... Miesha is such a hypocrite she went out of her way to talk shit on me on TUF talk and now twitter. Who's the bully now ?

This would be great, and I know they are different weights, but let Tate come down while Felice moves up. They meet in the middle, close the door, and whatever happens, happens. Let 'em bang! Phone Post 3.0

There's something about Felice that irks me. She seems to be a never ending source of drama and narcissism. Phone Post 3.0

Felice always needs to be center of attention, and comes across as very fake.

Needs a beating from someone to put her in check Phone Post 3.0

Fair fight would be catch weight 122-125. Miesha would knock the piss out of Felice. Its not even worth it for Miesha. 2 more wins and she's right there for another crack at Ronda. No money to be made by fighting felice.


Seems like every chick Tate train with are cunty. Tate, heather, pena, and that other chick the lost to that Russian chick, really can't decide which one is the cuntiest

Felice is drama queen. There is always something happening when she is around. It's probably not all her fault for that, but there is always some drama around her.

outtrigger - Seems like every chick Tate train with are cunty. Tate, heather, pena, and that other chick the lost to that Russian chick, really can't decide which one is the cuntiest

I think you're talking about Elizabeth Phillips? She just had an emotional outburst, but not all of Tate's friends are cunty. She trains with Leslie Smith, who probably has the best personality at 130. She posted on twitter that there was some guy talking shit to her about how he could take her, so she challenged him to an arm wrestling match, beat the guy, and then took a hilarious selfie with him https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtiTImMCEAAIkE-.jpg

blakemp -
outtrigger - Seems like every chick Tate train with are cunty. Tate, heather, pena, and that other chick the lost to that Russian chick, really can't decide which one is the cuntiest

I think you're talking about Elizabeth Phillips? She just had an emotional outburst, but not all of Tate's friends are cunty. She trains with Leslie Smith, who probably has the best personality at 130. She posted on twitter that there was some guy talking shit to her about how he could take her, so she challenged him to an arm wrestling match, beat the guy, and then took a hilarious selfie with him https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtiTImMCEAAIkE-.jpg

Phone Post 3.0

Felice is fake.

I respect her immensely. She is very smart in promoting herself and she is a hard worker, a skilled fighter and a deserving talent.

It's just she portrays a character and it's off putting.

People who are honest characters will forever be interesting but people who portray a character which isn't their true self become boring after a while.

If you are naturally cocky, be your cocky self.

If you are naturally funny, carry on and be humorous.

But in these days in which every fighter is trying to figure out how they can be more like Conor McGregor it would be better if they'd just be themselves.

It would make all interactions honest and organic and not feel as staged or desperate. Phone Post 3.0

Loves her some drama

Felice and Miesha are going at it!


mmmmm yeah!

Jack_Bauer -

Hahaha that's fucking awesome. That white cat is about to get the left hook right straight combo. Phone Post 3.0

miesha would whoop felices ass imo Phone Post 3.0

"miesha would (...) felices ass"

What's between parentheses is my business.

i respect felice more since she didnt get breast implants