Mac Danzig's shoes

98lbweakling - I believe this is a pic of Mac Danzig's son:


defthomas - Why Germany attacked Poland in WW2 ? Becauese they wanted their DANZIG back!

I also found secret Nazi Bank called

This shit is real

 sweet mother goose!

"The Nazis were determined to retrieve the territories that Germany had lost after the
Versailles Treaty and create a powerful, German realm. They wanted this realm to include Danzig, towards which the state of Poland had had limited rights since the Versailles Treaty."


ttt for a Mac Danzig press conference to get his side of the story and to put his shoes as Exhibit A in

Trial: 342463

The People vs Mac Danzig and his shoes

October 29, 2009

Keith S makes a great point.

Is it also a coincidence that one can spell Nazi using letters from the word dANZIg?

I think not.

im retarded and lack reading comprehension. my apologies to Redneck.

 "nazis...i hate these guys" - someone should tell indiana jones about this