MacDonald: I'll annihilate, hurt, and destroy Penn

I like the stone cold killer approach. Awesome fight and a perfect fight IMO for both guys

I'm leaning towards a BJ win the an immediate lightweight title shot. Phone Post

ChaosOverkill - 
Orcus Knows MMA Better Than Goku - 
XFactah416 -
bmd - Did you guys who are saying Rory is being cocky watch the video?

Ariel asked him if he respects BJ. Rory said yeah, he respects many things about BJ and his skills, but he tries not to think about them because he's fighting him.

Ariel asked if Rory thinks his skills are on par with BJ Penn. Rory says "on par?" He then says I don't know... we're going to fight on Saturday and we'll figure out which way the bar bends.

Ariel then asks how do you expect the fight to play out? Rory says I think I'm going to annihilate him... in every field.

He didn't sound cocky at all. Just confident. Rory never even said he was going to "annihilate, hurt, and destroy Penn". That was a made-up quote by the UG Blog.

Well said.

Where did Rory said that he was going to "annihilate, hurt, and destroy Penn"?

He said he was going to annihilate him but that's blowing the quote completely out of context. Rory seemed very calm, collected, and confident and certainly didn't go out of his way to smack talk BJ at all.

He said he was going to hurt and destroy him in the beginning Phone Post

Oh noes, not a fighter saying they will hurt another fighter!

not saying its a big deal, just pointing out that he did say it

Mix6APlix - I hope BJ drops his drawers and wipes his ass with a maple leaf and shit sticks it to MacDonalds unconcious face.

well that's not nice! take it back!

Mix6APlix - I hope BJ drops his drawers and wipes his ass with a maple leaf and shit sticks it to MacDonalds unconcious face.

Thats too far! I just hope bj knocks him out cold.. Then does what a true martial artist will do and shows rory his respect.. Phone Post

Ever notice how the best fighters rarely talk like this?

scrapdo - 

Ever notice how the best fighters rarely talk like this?

Ever notice how Rory is the only fighter that talks like this? He is weird as shit, but he is dangerous. Rory by TKO within first 2 rounds.

Matt Phillips -

PLEASE keep talking shit, Rory. PLEASE!!!

Top ten post of 2012. Fucking....awesome! Phone Post

dbl post

It's hard to root against a guy from the same province as myself, but I 100% want BJ to just completely dominate and humble Rory. Knock his cocky ass down a few pegs with some humble pie.

BJ generally loses to strong wrestlers that can put him on his back and control him - Rory is one of these guys!

But Rory has never faced a guy with the skills and abilities like Penn has, not even close!

In the end I think this is gonna be one of those fights where regardless of BJ's condition and Rory's wrestling - BJ's natural ability of just simply kickin dudes asses is gonna come into play.

Penn finishes this fight!

Love that gif Phone Post

I went from loathing him at the start to actually kind of digging him at the end. I think he's just trying to be real cold and distant and I think that's a smart thing. He's really skilled so why get fired up for no reason? That said I'm still rooting for BJ.

Card - 

Hoping Penn's cardio doesn't fail him again.... 

It never has. To the contrary, he is the one who fails his cardio by not taking it or his training seriously.

He has robbed himself and his fans of his best. So much waste. Sad.

Underground Blog -

MacDonald: I'll annihilate, hurt, and destroy Penn


And he did just that!!! Phone Post

He was right Phone Post

He's like that Kreskin dude or something.

mods please delete thread

FinestScotch -
flip_guard - 
Underground Blog -

MacDonald: I'll annihilate, hurt, and destroy Penn


And he did just that!!! Phone Post

Should have finished him, did not make good on his word IMO.

Hurt him? Yes.

Annihalate, destroy? Strong words for that performance.

"Soundly beat" is where I'd stop it. 

If he said "I will hurt and soundly beat BJ", I would agree.

I thought he pretty much destroyed Penn. Phone Post

With Rory's obvious psychic gifts it's clear that he's wasting his time in the gym.

I'd say it's well past time he moved on to loftier pursuits!