Maia can't even finish.. BORING!!

Is this the system where fighters supposedly "finish fights" that people go on about??

Shit, it's like a mega dose of Ambien right now.


At least he was going for the finish the whole fight. Miranda is no joke.

If the UFC was hoping to lure in boxing fans with this card, it has backfired horribly.  Not only was there not much buzz at all about the Toney/Couture freak show in the boxing community, but these fights have been unbearably boring. 

Now there's an exciting fighter!  Micky Ward!!!


He did attempt to submit but if you don't like grappling then go watch boxing.

It was a blackbelt vs a black belt, and maia still completely dominated on the ground.
it was great

bakalol - It was a blackbelt vs a black belt, and maia still completely dominated on the ground.
it was great

It was interesting for sure, the subtleties of their movements on the ground were not something average beer-swilling fans would see, but it seems Miranda is solid on the ground, Maia just had too much for him positionally. Miranda had great sub defense and awareness, slipping out of those armbars with ease.