Maia's Brazilian Disrespect......

marcovia -  demian has trained in the past with the nogs....he has NEVER trained with anderson in the past. 

of course he wasnt going to train with the nogs or dorrea for this fight (obvious conflict of interest that all parties understood.) so he did some of his camp in sd with Xande an of course alejarra. 

please dont make things up or talk about subjects you are ignorant to in a public forum. you only make yourself look.....silly (for lack of a better word)

Mark Turner

demian maia jiu jitsu.
I was under the impression that he quit training with Luiz Dórea due to the conflict of interest. So did he quit training with Rubinho as well for that or only because he came to the US?

How long have you been with him? Thanks for your input. I don't know where people come up with some of this stuff...

Best regards to Demian. Tell him I said hello. If he doesn't remember me, I won't be offended... hahaha

 I have been with Demian for about 5 years or so.  Also I just got off the phone with him (he is in the airport waiting on a connection) he doesnt have a broken nose or broken orbital as has been reported before.

He didnt quit training with Dorrea, it was just was understood that they would not be working together for this fight due to the Nog connection.  (pretty common place) as for the future, we will see.  He is looking to step up a couple different parts of his training (he decided this before the Anderson fight) so he will be doing some things a little differently .  he is always looking to improve.

Chris of course we remember you! when you fought on the same card, everyone was surprised by how good your portuguese was for a gringo! lol

 i hope all is well.

Man what card was that??? minnesota?  Montreal? I cant remember now.


fight4real - 
eljamaiquino - but I don't see much else factually incorrect. Anderson sure seemed to think that Maia disrespected him that way, as did Anderson's corner.

As you've already proven, I don't read every interview or see every bit of news but what is factual about saying that he and his corner felt the way you described?

How can you imply that his "regular" training partners left due to this fight if they were already gone before it was scheduled? Wanderlei left Alejarra too, so what? Things change. Also, they were never from the same team, they got together to help each other and that ended. So...? You formulated a theory based on your opinion and ran with it.

Also, a "creonte" is someone who changes teams and helps possible opponents. Maia never changed from his team to another nor did he change from Nogueira's team back or to another. How is Maia a "creonte"? For traveling and training? Also, the whole "creonte" notion is retarded. It was started to keep gym memberships and in other times honor, but that is a whole different discussion. Today, training at several different gyms is normal unless you are the instructor at one place going to teach at another and directly teaching an opponent.

So, you see why I didn't understand your post.

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Yup, only my theory. I don't know either guy personally, and I apologize if I said that somewhere although I don't think I did. I don't see the issue though since everyone else posted their theory on why Anderson acted the way he did. Only Anderson and Damian actually know what the beef was about.

It does feel right though, because Anderson has often said that he takes challenges to his title personally. I'm sure Maia thinks it was just a professional taking an opportunity to fight for the title, but Silva sure didn't see it that way.

Whether the creonte thing is warranted is something else, but some Brazilians do take that thing seriously. Training with the Nogs then "challenging" Anderson for his belt (in Anderson's mind) would seem to fit that.

The problem is Anderson is more concerned with himself than his position as champion.

Americans probably don't understand the way Maia's move is so disliked.

With all due respect, if Anderson is going to ask for my hard earned money to watch him fight, then he can fuck off and leave this shit behind closed doors like he should. He's supposed to be a professional for God's sake.

Why did Anderson clown him, then after the fight get on his knees and bow and act so respectful?

Ed Soares' airport interview states that the disrespect was due to Maia's over-the-top trash-talking...saying he wanted one of spider's 8 legs. He did not mention anything about training together or feelings of betrayal.

Ed Soares' is not really giving a verbatim translation of Silva's words....

That's not over the top trashtalking. Plus Maia said it with levity. He wasn't being malicious.