Maia's Brazilian Disrespect......

Everybody knows the Brazilian feeling on Creontes. Maia trained with Silva and the Nog brothers for a whole year. They welcomed him, showed him how to fight, and in response he takes a fight against Anderson and says how he is going to submit him.

This is how Anderson feeds his kids. I'm almost positive that this is why Anderson clowned him so hard. Silva not only broke his face, but humiliated him to teach him a lesson for the backstabbing.

Maia really has no right to act so surprised that Anderson dissed him so bad.

Notice that none of Maia's usual crew trained with him for this one. Wanderlei left him to find his own training camp. Nog bros gave him the cold shoulder. Even Galvao helped Anderson rather than stay impartial.

Americans probably don't understand the way Maia's move is so disliked.

Didn't know about the background.

MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING - This isn't 2nd grade.

Yeah, no one could tell a year ago that Maia would be fighting Silva for the title in the future

Bullshit - you want to humiliate someone beat their ass in the first round. What Silva did was over the top.

monkybus - Bullshit - you want to humiliate someone beat their ass in the first round. What Silva did was over the top.

If that had happened, it would just have looked like Anderson's business as usual. It was over the top, that's why Silva did it. Not saying it was right, just putting forward why he did it.

eljamaiquino - Everybody knows the Brazilian feeling on Creontes. Maia trained with Silva and the Nog brothers for a whole year. They welcomed him, showed him how to fight, and in response he takes a fight against Anderson and says how he is going to submit him.

This is how Anderson feeds his kids. I'm almost positive that this is why Anderson clowned him so hard. Silva not only broke his face, but humiliated him to teach him a lesson for the backstabbing.

Maia really has no right to act so surprised that Anderson dissed him so bad.

Notice that none of Maia's usual crew trained with him for this one. Wanderlei left him to find his own training camp. Nog bros gave him the cold shoulder. Even Galvao helped Anderson rather than stay impartial.

Americans probably don't understand the way Maia's move is so disliked.

 I have a quick question.

How did Maia disrespect Silva? By taking the fight? What year did Maia train with Silva and the Nogueira's? It must've been long before I got there and it hasn't been long enough since I left to be true.

André Galvão has always trained with Silva. Maia is from São Paulo and has a gym. He is former "Brasa" iirc and he has never been affiliated to Silva or Nog. As far as I know, Maia has never trained with the Nogueira's. Wanderlei and Maia stopped training together before this fight was scheduled. Exactly WTF are you talking about buddy?

eljamaiquino - Everybody knows the Brazilian feeling on Creontes. Maia trained with Silva and the Nog brothers for a whole year. They welcomed him, showed him how to fight, and in response he takes a fight against Anderson and says how he is going to submit him.

This is how Anderson feeds his kids. I'm almost positive that this is why Anderson clowned him so hard. Silva not only broke his face, but humiliated him to teach him a lesson for the backstabbing.

Maia really has no right to act so surprised that Anderson dissed him so bad.

Notice that none of Maia's usual crew trained with him for this one. Wanderlei left him to find his own training camp. Nog bros gave him the cold shoulder. Even Galvao helped Anderson rather than stay impartial.

Americans probably don't understand the way Maia's move is so disliked.

So, a professional is given a title shot, takes the fight, and that is considered disrespect?

If this is the Brazilian mentality, it's no wonder why Brazil is a 3rd world country.

Furthermore, if Anderson wanted to "send a message," like he said he did, he would have straight beaten the shit out of Maia, which he didn't do.

He did, literally, nothing in the entire fight.

He threw a handful of punches, one flying knee, a couple of leg kicks, and that's it.

He did nothing at all.


I understand him taking in Mia a few years ago but it's not like they trained together 6 months ago, hell no one would fight each other if they felt like A. Silva?

Maybe I messed up on the year, but he did train with them for sure, as he did with wand. Maia himself says that he trained with them in the URL that I posted. So you probably did miss some stuff.

Jetster - eljamaiquino

I understand him taking in Mia a few years ago but it's not like they trained together 6 months ago, hell no one would fight each other if they felt like A. Silva?

When UFC interviewed nate Diaz and asked about a 155 shot, Nate Diaz said that he wasn't interested in fighting BJ. Why? Because they spent substantial training time together. Rashad, Jardine and Jon Jones said that they will never fight each other.

Heck AKA has 3 fighters at 170 that won't fight each other. You can't say that this attitude is uncommon.

GSP won't even fight one fight at 185 because he claims he doesn't want to undercut Marquardt.

You can't act like Anderson's attitude is unusual.


Thanks I missed this info...I guess A. Silva might be realy pissed at Rodrigo then also, seems like Mia went ahead with this beacuse he was told OK...but ya it those pose for awkwardness

 From your link it is clear they trained together. I apologize. However, they didn't train together for a year and it was before the fight was scheduled. Considering I left about a month and a half before the article was published (holidays) and returned for a few days to move out of my apartment and he was no longer there, I sincerely doubt he trained there longer than a couple months. Also, from your own link it is clear the Nogueira's invited him.

Your post made it sound like Maia had done something to cause Silva's actions. He did not. That was a totally drama-filled post with pretty wild exaggerations and misinformation. The only thing being correct was that they had trained together.

Silva has his own gym (X-Gym) about 1 km away from the Nog Training Center. Yes, everyone is friends and trains together from time to time but Silva is not there on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, many guests come through the gym and it is not disrespectful to travel around and train at different places. If the fight had already been scheduled they might've pulled the plug as they did with Vitor training there.

On a side note, the few times I did train with Silva were awesome. It's like sparring a video game character.

Already apologized for the year thing, but I don't see much else factually incorrect. Anderson sure seemed to think that Maia disrespected him that way, as did Anderson's corner.

eljamaiquino - but I don't see much else factually incorrect. Anderson sure seemed to think that Maia disrespected him that way, as did Anderson's corner.

As you've already proven, I don't read every interview or see every bit of news but what is factual about saying that he and his corner felt the way you described?

How can you imply that his "regular" training partners left due to this fight if they were already gone before it was scheduled? Wanderlei left Alejarra too, so what? Things change. Also, they were never from the same team, they got together to help each other and that ended. So...? You formulated a theory based on your opinion and ran with it.

Also, a "creonte" is someone who changes teams and helps possible opponents. Maia never changed from his team to another nor did he change from Nogueira's team back or to another. How is Maia a "creonte"? For traveling and training? Also, the whole "creonte" notion is retarded. It was started to keep gym memberships and in other times honor, but that is a whole different discussion. Today, training at several different gyms is normal unless you are the instructor at one place going to teach at another and directly teaching an opponent.

So, you see why I didn't understand your post.

Who did Maia train with for this fight?

TOM666 - Who did Maia train with for this fight?

 Great question. I have been wrong in this very thread but I doubt it was the Nog brothers. Anyone know?

After the Marquardt fight he started training hands with Dórea, the same boxing trainer as Anderson and the Nogs. However, after the fight was scheduled he stopped since it wasn't right. He started, instead, training with Dórea's brother, Rubinho. Anderson has Galvão and Jacaré who were once on the Brasa team with Demian but again, that was years ago. I don't know who he had "team" practice with before his fight though.


Also, Xande Ribeiro was in Demian's corner wasn't he? Where does Xande train?


i believe he spent time with alejarra and xande down in san diego, ca.


 demian has trained in the past with the nogs....he has NEVER trained with anderson in the past. 

of course he wasnt going to train with the nogs or dorrea for this fight (obvious conflict of interest that all parties understood.) so he did some of his camp in sd with Xande an of course alejarra. 

please dont make things up or talk about subjects you are ignorant to in a public forum. you only make yourself look.....silly (for lack of a better word)

Mark Turner

demian maia jiu jitsu.