Major props to Burkman.

Heart of a fuckin lion. He got beat as expected but he proved he belongs. Every time Lombard hurt him and went for the kill, Burkman would throw a haymaker and make him back off. Phone Post 3.0

Not sure how somebody proves they belong by being beaten. Frustrating fight to watch.

He sure did wang some punches tho

Thought he did well to survive by both heart and experience

BearStep - Heart of a fuckin lion. He got beat as expected but he proved he belongs. Every time Lombard hurt him and went for the kill, Burkman would throw a haymaker and make him back off. Phone Post 3.0
No surprise from Burkman, he's a beast. I always remember the tuf fight where Guillard broke his arm but he still won. I reckon if he didn't get Lombard off the bat he could have beaten him a few fights in. Phone Post 3.0

the incredible hogan - Not sure how somebody proves they belong by being beaten. Frustrating fight to watch.

He sure did wang some punches tho

Nonsense. If you can't understand that there are different levels of losing then you should go watch a sitcom instead of sports.

The fact that they didn't have to carry out BUrkman on a stretcher was a victory itself. He made Hector look very human at 170 and I think Lombard won't have as much trouble finding opponents after this fight...

I thought he did about as well as he was likely to do. I wanted him to win, but I think he needed to fight a perfect fight and have hector fight a dumb one Phone Post 3.0

Haulport -
the incredible hogan - Not sure how somebody proves they belong by being beaten. Frustrating fight to watch.

He sure did wang some punches tho

Nonsense. If you can't understand that there are different levels of losing then you should go watch a sitcom instead of sports.

The fact that they didn't have to carry out BUrkman on a stretcher was a victory itself. He made Hector look very human at 170 and I think Lombard won't have as much trouble finding opponents after this fight...
If you're gonna get your ass beat that's the best way. Phone Post 3.0

He was 62%. Phone Post 3.0

Knowing he was sick as fuck and wasn't able to train if say he woulda win this fight Phone Post 3.0

Burkman war Phone Post 3.0

Dana said Burkman was really sick this week (possible flu) and had an injury that kept him out of training for like 3 weeks. He definitely didn't seem right out there so maybe he would have put up an even better fight "under the right circumstances". Again, Dana said this not Josh so it's not him "making excuses".

Lame to tell lombard he was only at 60%.

160% josh burkman does not beat lombard.

He gassed bad! He did horribly

I did think hector could have finished him but still no props to burkman Phone Post 3.0

With Dana saying what he did, Burkman fighting the way he did with his back against the cage, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that something was wrong.

So with that said, it was an impressive performance by Burkman in that it was not only courageous, but tactical. He gains respect from this fight.

Lombard also could have fallen victim to the plan, but chose to fight intelligently while still not being a complete pussy. He still tried to end fight even when he didn't have to.

A better performance by both guys than the majority probably realised.

With Dana saying what he did, Burkman fighting the way he did with his back against the cage, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that something was wrong.

So with that said, it was an impressive performance by Burkman in that it was not only courageous, but tactical. He gains respect from this fight.

Lombard also could have fallen victim to the plan, but chose to fight intelligently while still not being a complete pussy. He still tried to end fight even when he didn't have to.

A better performance by both guys than the majority probably realised.

He should have had a Plan B when trying to bait/taunt Lombard didn't work.

Anyone know what song Burkman walked out to?

Yeah fair balls to him he got in there with a Fucking killer and earned his respect after the first few minutes. Showed great composure when Lombard came at him with flurys. By the end of it I was excited to see what he is like coming foreward and not on the back peddle. Someone a little less scary next time and we should see good talent Phone Post 3.0

I thought he did awesome and is the better fighter and lost because he gassed horribly (and now I'm hearing it's possibly because he was sick). Phone Post 3.0

Prips to Burkman for nailing Prime Arianny. Phone Post 3.0