Makhachev and Conor winning in June would setup the biggest fight of 2024

Given the extensive history between Conor, Khabib and Makhachev there is no bigger fight for the promotion and the average fan around the world than Makhachev vs Conor in the fall.

Tsarukyan might deserve the next shot but him getting a rematch with Makhachev is not that exciting compared the Conor fight if you ask the fans.

If Makhachev and Conor do win in June… they can fight in the fall and after Makhachev wins he can move to WW as planned and Tsarukyan can get the next LW title shot for an interim title vs someone who wins a big fight this fall whether its Gaethje, Charles or Gamrot.

Hate to say it but Makhachev beating Tsarukyan again is kinda boring with to wait and see play out compared to Makhachev vs Conor after a win and return and Makhachev moving to WW to challenge for that title. Those things are “fresh” and a Tsarukyan rematch is rather boring and “stale”.

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But Chandler wins, fights Makachiev and knocks him out COLD
Styles make fights

Chandler has a good 50% chance to beat Conor but I’d say only a 5% chance to KO Makhachev so the odds plus Makhachev is a -600 favorite to beat Dustin so he too has to be to the fight so the odds of Chandler beating Conor and then KOing Makhachev are about 44-1.

So yeah, what you describe has a 2% chance of happening.

Styles make fights and odds exist for a reason.

Conor is around -110 vs Chandler right now and Makhachev is around -600 so there is like a 47% chance they both win in June.

So much money on the line in a Conor vs Makhachev fight…I think its a safe bet thats the next LW title fight if Conor wants to cut the weight again and try to somehow upset Makhachev.

If Makhachev and Conor win I’d say there is a 90% chance at that point of that being the LW title fight booked in the fall.

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Conor has no wrestling for Makachev, but would be fun if Conor ends up winning and Khabib has to comeback for one last fight against Conor

Yeah, sadly I don’t think even that would get Khabib to return.

I’ll root for Chandler to beat Conor but the buildup for and trash talk from Conor on Makhachev and Khabib and the whole camp would be entertaining.

The way Dustin is talking so much of his retirement…I just can’t see him upsetting Makhachev here. Just feels like Makhachev via 2nd or 3rd rd sub or TKO.

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Well, according to professor steiner, this is a sound prediction…

If Dustin and Conor win they will set up
Dustin Vs Conor 4 at MSG for the title

If Mackachev and Conor win they will set up
Conor Vs Dagestan 2 for the title