Mama Mia This Alessio Sakara

Mr. Main Event knocked top UFC fighter Joey Beltran to the sleep.

this guy was iron man until he face the best striker in mma. 

Please Bellator, feed Rampage or Fedor to Sakara. He is now entering his prime at his good weight.


Mama mia? Who talks like that?

Bobby Lupo. That's who.

Mamma mia I'm sad for lack of content


courtesy of reddit

Very strong at LHW new punching muscles.

the best right hand in the businesses. First one hurt Beltran maybe 15 seconds into the fight. At that point I knew it was over.

Lick Brown Boners -

Mamma mia I'm sad for lack of content


courtesy of reddit

I give you thumbs up 

Beltran doesn't have the chin he used to no disrespect meant toward Sakara. 

sakara mexecuted that guy

Is Fedor a scare? 

Bobby Lupo -

Is Fedor a scare? 


A scare?

What, are you a mashugana?

I had a high school girlfriend named Mia. She was way outa my league. I hit as much as I could before she wized up. 

TwoCheekSneak - Top UFC fighter Joey Beltran.....??
Lol this