Marcelo G. and

The Marcelo Garcia seminar in Chicago was AWESOME! He was so humble. He may even have Renzo beat! lol It's a tough call, but the point is, he was humble and EXTREMELY technical. He showed little details that blew my mind! I was a Marcelo fan before, but now I am disciple! lol (Jeremy Horn, Matt Serra, Eddie Bravo, Marcelo Garcia, Big random order!)

I met some great guys there, including Mike Contreras, Elias Cepeda, Mark Miller, Chris Albandia, Romero, Patrick Robinson, Joe C., and many others whose names I am forgetting. If you were there, please say "Hi" on this thread, so I can put a face with the name. Or, email me at BZLJJ@AOL.COM. was a sponsor of his visit, and the guys behind that website are cool as can be, including the babyfaced looking Elias Cepeda (who is a GREAT writer for, and did a great job on the Jens blog during TUF series!)! I was told they are in the process of improving the site, so keep checking back on it, and let them know what you want to see!

Overall, a GREAT seminar and a great time...except for the fact that someone pulled the fire alarm in our hotel in the middle of the night, and it went off for about 20 minutes straight!!! That SUCKED!!! My ears were almost bleeding EVEN with my head covered with 9 pillows! lol But, we got our money back for a $200 hotel room, so I guess it didn't end up that bad... ;) The guys I went with had a great time, and it was a great weekend!

Any questions, ask here, or email me! :)

Ps. Be sure to visit! ;)

Thats the second time I missed MG seminar:(

Did you get the chance to roll with him?


He did roll with many of the guys, but there were so many people there that I wasn't able to roll with him. I did TALK to him a LOT, so that kind of made up for it! ;) lol

Side note: many black belts will "pretend" to choke you when you get your pic taken with them...Marcelo REALLY chokes you, so be warned! ;) LOL!
