Marcelo update!


That is great to read!


Sounds like he was very proactive in getting it checked out as soon as he had weird symptoms. He was having a lot of hiccups after meals. That’s something a lot of guys would ignore or put off doing something about. Always err on the side of caution and go to the doctor if you can afford it.


That’s awesome!

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great news!

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Awesome news.

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Great news. I hope he will be back on the mats soon!

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Gordon Ryan

I reached out to bjj fanatics a few months ago and asked to teach a seminar with Bernardo, and to film that seminar. 100% of the proceeds from the seminar will go to marcelo to help with his treatment and the recording of the seminar will be for sale on bjjf thereafter, with 100% of proceeds going to marcelo as well. I hate charity cases more than anything. I would never ask someone to donate money to me or a friend while offering nothing in return. Marcelo didn’t ask for this and doesn’t need any money. I asked him to do this because I felt it was right and something I needed to do, because I feel his pain, and he accepted. This is simply a thank you to a person who has done more for the sport I love than anyone else. This is the absolute least that can be done for him. Let’s support this legend however we can :heart: details on this coming soon. It’ll be around master worlds time in Vegas. Stay tuned :slight_smile:


That’s exactly whats wrong with the United States. You need to be able to afford not having cancer. Fuckin shithole country in pretty much everyway.

Glad to read and good on Gordon

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Came to the BJJ ground to see if there’s any updates. Great news, Marcelo is one of the greatest most humble killers out there.