Mark Hunt on Steroids

"I don’t care if you’re cheating or not. I’ll punch your face in. That’s all I’ve got.”

he said the same exact thing about brock. 


"I think he’s juiced to the gills — and I still think I’m going to knock him out," 


it will destroy his lawsuit. he's not very smart about it

He will say it was a part of promoting the fight, whereas his private conversations with Dana were not, and it will have no effect on his law suit

This was about Brock. I find it funny he changed his tune when he got his ass kicked. Hunt is an overgrown baba.

yomamafool - He will say it was a part of promoting the fight, whereas his private conversations with Dana were not, and it will have no effect on his law suit

he will be tied up in court so many years it won't matter. the UFC has so many more resources than mark hunt it's not even funny.

this will never end up in court

He has provided mesaages showing concerns about it and reassurance all was good and he was being tested. So hurts his lawsuit 0 as he was promoting a fight with a guy he was assured was clean.

King of Pain - This was about Brock. I find it funny he changed his tune when he got his ass kicked. Hunt is an overgrown baba.
You are an undergrown faggot

Standup29 - He has provided mesaages showing concerns about it and reassurance all was good and he was being tested. So hurts his lawsuit 0 as he was promoting a fight with a guy he was assured was clean.

The egg lied, color me shocked!
War Hunt, get his ass.

Humphrey -

he said the same exact thing about brock. 


"I think he’s juiced to the gills — and I still think I’m going to knock him out," 


it will destroy his lawsuit. he's not very smart about it

Come back, when you're a lawyer.

ieswideopen -
Humphrey -

he said the same exact thing about brock. 


"I think he’s juiced to the gills — and I still think I’m going to knock him out," 


it will destroy his lawsuit. he's not very smart about it

Come back, when you"re a lawyer.

yeah because we've never seen a large corporation use a team of powerful attorneys to exhaust all their resources and force them to eventually drop their case.

they also don't file motions and delays and flood the court with tactics that make cases continue for many years before they're decided and because of the first point they end up dropping out.
Yeah, I have to be an attorney to figure that out.  It doesn’t happen all the time or anything


Humphrey -

he said the same exact thing about brock. 


"I think he’s juiced to the gills — and I still think I’m going to knock him out," 


it will destroy his lawsuit. he's not very smart about it

No it won't.

Mark Hunt on Steroids

Hunt has taken the UFC to court and won before if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure he has a very strong case here

King of Pain - This was about Brock. I find it funny he changed his tune when he got his ass kicked. Hunt is an overgrown baba.
Got his ass kicked? You mean got laid on and tapped with pitter patter punches for 2 rounds?

ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -
King of Pain - This was about Brock. I find it funny he changed his tune when he got his ass kicked. Hunt is an overgrown baba.
Got his ass kicked? You mean got laid on and tapped with pitter patter punches for 2 rounds?

lol you might want to watch that fight again, lesnar hit hunt with bombs. It was a complete domination, not even a close fight

The Immortal One -
ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -
King of Pain - This was about Brock. I find it funny he changed his tune when he got his ass kicked. Hunt is an overgrown baba.
Got his ass kicked? You mean got laid on and tapped with pitter patter punches for 2 rounds?

lol you might want to watch that fight again, lesnar hit hunt with bombs. It was a complete domination, not even a close fight

yep, brock could literally have not trained at all, jumped on a flight from Canada to NZ last week and kicked Hunts ass. Styles make fights and that is a horrible stylistic match up for Hunt.

Humphrey -
yomamafool - He will say it was a part of promoting the fight, whereas his private conversations with Dana were not, and it will have no effect on his law suit

he will be tied up in court so many years it won't matter. the UFC has so many more resources than mark hunt it's not even funny.

this will never end up in court

Your last sentence contradicts your first sentence. Anyway, It's already in court. 


The court denied the UFC's motion to dismiss just the other week.   

If it ain"t Dutch, it ain"t much -
The Immortal One -
ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -
King of Pain - This was about Brock. I find it funny he changed his tune when he got his ass kicked. Hunt is an overgrown baba.
Got his ass kicked? You mean got laid on and tapped with pitter patter punches for 2 rounds?

lol you might want to watch that fight again, lesnar hit hunt with bombs. It was a complete domination, not even a close fight

yep, brock could literally have not trained at all, jumped on a flight from Canada to NZ last week and kicked Hunts ass. Styles make fights and that is a horrible stylistic match up for Hunt.

lol hunt was the favorite to win the fight, and PLENTY of people were saying that hunt was a terrible matchup for lesnar because apparently lesnar was incapable of taking a single punch with terrible striking and hunt hits hard


well, well, well....