Mark Kerr vs Moti Horenstein


Poor Moti, getting Coleman and Kerr.

Dude must have done some horrible shit in a previous life to draw down that kind of shitty karma.


he was a decent standup fighter
beat pat smith iirc

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Horenstein was a tough motherfucker though.

How many fighters would be willing to fight Coleman, Kerr, Taktarov, Schrijber and Pat Smith in their first five MMA fights? Its like when Nastula jumped right in there with Big Nog, Barnett, Aleks etc… when he started his career.

The vast majority of wrestlers would have had nothing for Coleman and Kerr in MMA at the time either so its not just his base that held him back. Plus Horenstein was not a true HW.


Include Pat Smith X2 and Dirty Bob Schreiber X2

WAR Moti



The Hebrew Hammer


Thanks bro, I don’t believe I had seen this fight before


Me either. Taktarov loved his kneebars.


Yup dat Sambo,

He may HV been the first Sambo artist I watched

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Dirty Bob

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Yeah I think most people would say the same. There was Frank Hamaker in UFC 2 but his opening round fight didn’t make the VHS tape and I’m not sure if it made the PPV or not. He was injured and could not advance to the quarters.

When I watched Oleg hit a rolling kneebar, my mind was blown. I was like, what in the hell was that and how do I learn to do it.

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As an American teen I understood the wrestling, boxing and kickboxing I saw when I discovered NHB and UFC but the BJJ, catch and sambo was mind blowing to me. Never seen that stuff in a gym, a dojo or in the movies.

Like watching Tank, Severn, Gordeau, Pat Smith etc… didn’t surprise me at all but when saw Royce, Shamrock, Sperry, Funaki, Oleg, Rickson etc… I was like, mind blown.

Yeah I had no idea what happened when he did leg locks,.
I was like wtf?

Yep… even as time went on and everyone understood “cross training”…slick stuff still blew everyone away.

Like when Rumina Sato hit that flying armbar in 99… people could not believe it.


If you watch this whole event, the guy Sato armbared, Charles Taylor, denied that he tapped during the post fight interview. Frank Shamrock was his coach and standing right over his shoulder at the time and Frank looked embarrassed.

Sometime later, Taylor came on here and proceeded to deny that he denied it. There was some other weird stuff with that guy and making strange claims about his career. It’s like he thought no one ever watches these fights.

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Ol Williepep was there.

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yeah that’s a rough roll of the dice. guy was a stud. same with zinoviev.

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