Marsh v. Van Arsdale odds

I think Van Arsdale might be a good buy at these odds

John Marsh -225
Mike Van Arsdale +185

Then again, I haven't seen either one fight in awhile. Those who have, can you offer any insights?

Chris Haseman was better than .500 when they fought

about 10 years ago Mike taught a wrestling camp I was in over a summer. he is the man when it comes to wrestling and although I will admit that he hasnt really fought anyone with a record and won - he is still a world class wrestler with ground and pound skills...

I am a little biased because he is such a great guy but I would put the money on Mike.

Marsh on the other hand has fought alot of quality people but he also hasnt won many big fights.

When in doubt bet on the wrestler :)

yeah, I was kind of going with the "when in doubt, bet on the wrestler" school of thought

Hopefully Van Arnsdale has been practicing sub- defense. He looked clueless in the 2003 Abu Dhabi.

But Marsh doesnt normally sub from his guard!

Marsh is used to being in control and attacking - Check out what happened against the Janitor...

Another wrestler beat him because he was able to stay in control and take down when things looked bad...

Money on the wrestler!

Marsh is going to win.

as i said before the Cabbage fight when everyone picked him to win, dont judge off of fights from 5 years ago. john will KO or tap him before the 3rd

odds r mva will get every takedown he wants but nget stuck in guard and not do much. he wont wanna trade shots standing. how old is mvA now?

"Chris Haseman was better than .500 when they fought"
---"when they fought"

Without his loss to MVA, Haseman would be at .500. His other losses since MVA are Akihiro Gono (MD) and Bill Mahood, nothing to be ashamed of. Other losses included Evan Tanner, Jeremy Horn, Fedor, Matt Hughes, Mario Sperry...he's lost to an all-star list of fighters.

Van is in freaky shape at 225 ... Marsh is in big big trouble ....

I can't see how Van Arsdale wins. I'm a big fan of his from his Iowa State days, but Marsh is a very good wrestler and has amazing ground defense and is freakishly strong. Standup, I'd give the edge to Marsh also.

To answer a question above, I think MVA could win through takedown and GnP, prob to decision.

what happened to the odds for this fight? it has disappeared from sportsbooks, some time today I think.

How good is VA's cardio?

And is this fight still on?

I cant MVA doing any damage on the ground to the bigger, stronger, more technical jiu jitsu expert, John Marsh.

Marsh by TKO - Round 1

If  MVA fights as good as he looks , he will kick ass