Mass Destruction full results plz?

Could anyone please give a full list of results of last night's Mass Destruction?



Aaron Dean defeated Josh Spearman by triangle.

Greg Rebello defeated Eddie Knuckles by KO - ground n' pound.

Sean Wilmot defeated Kier Beveridge by guillotine.

Bobby McMasters defeated Dave Moreno by unanimous decision.

Anthony McDonald defeated Carlos Nieves by I think rear naked choke.

John Clarke defeated John Latham by ground n' pound TKO

Pat Schultz defeated Bill Luff by I think ref stoppage

Ted Govola and Ronald Stallings was ruled a no contest after Ron hit ted with an accidental knee to the head which ended the fight.

Joe Lauzon defeated Joe Ahlert by rear naked choke to win the Mass Destruction Lightweight Championship.

Sean mentioned something that Lauzon was yelling at him before or as he was walking down the runway to the ring. If this is just a misunderstanding lets diffuse it hear, if not then...

Jcuff could you pppplllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeee relist that with there weight classes,well at least the bigger guys.I'm gonna try to get in fighting shape for fall so I'd like to get a half an idea.

congrats to Sean.

ernd dont bother you dont have what it takes

"Sean mentioned something that Lauzon was yelling at him before or as he was walking down the runway to the ring. If this is just a misunderstanding lets diffuse it hear, if not then..."

Is THIS what he is talking about? I yelled "GOOD LUCK" and I didnt think he heard me so didnt say anymore. News to me that telling a fighter "good luck" before a fight is talking shit.

How dare you wish another fighter Good Luck?!?! What the hell is the matter with you, ya no good S.O.B.

Congrats and good luck with future events.

Oh shit, now I did it!!!

Its on Mike!! Me and YOU!!!

Special Note for people who need a clue on whats going on... Mike and I are joking

Joe, congrats brother, get me your e-mail and I'll send you some pics from iraq.

I dont want to argue with you. i dont know and u
dont know me. Like i put in the other post email
and i'll explain the situation. If you said good luck
than it had to be someone else saying something that
wasnt close to that. your right if you said good luck
that isnt talking shit.

todd, thankyou and I wish u could of been there.
matt lee and nuri shakir are great corner men. thankyou to everyone who supported me through the fight.

Looks like we just had a misunderstanding here which is what i figured it was.

Thank you to all the fighters, all of you made this an AWESOME show! Also thank you to all of you who helped set up and break down this show, the efficiency was unmatched and the production of the show was great!

More details from the event will be available soon....Joe

email sent

congratulation yves! good shit. that's crazy grapple pig was throwing all those high kicks. i'd love to see the fight.

Good Work Sean

For what its worth I train at MSA and trained at RSD once and all the guys there were good training partners and were good guys to talk to.

jcuff thanks for posting the results


Could you e-mail me some Iraq pix also? I got a bunch from a buddy of mine over there and I have a little collection.

Thanks a lot, for the pix and for what you're doing over there, and stay safe.
