Matt Hughes Tells What Led To Train Accident


You aren’t country folk, deal with it…

How do you think Ben Uker feels about Matt Hughes? Rothwell hates him and calls him a scumbag and fake Christian. Mike cies came on here and has said repeatedly Hughes injured him on purpose in training.

There are so many stories but like Pat repeatedly playing drunk bumper cars with his truck, they have so much inflated goodwill from being mma pioneers and people close to them know they’re not great guys, but nobody wants to upend the mma legend hero narratives and nobody wants to be the first to rock the boat.


Only on this forum, could a discussion that seems so common sense given all the evidence, become so challenging.

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That’s why we’re all here.

I know with certainty, you’re only getting hit by a train in one spot. A train track. Even if I don’t see flashing lights and/or the crops are buffering my view (because that does in fact happen) I prefer to make sure a train isn’t coming before putting my truck on the tracks. I mean, you can even stop 3” from the tracks and still be ok.
I hate it for Matt, but it’s really hard to blame anyone but himself.
Idk why, but this always makes me think of Pernell Whitaker, too. The irony of arguably the best defensive boxer of all time dying by getting hit by a car is simultaneously awful and comical at the same time


agreed. Pro wrestlers, mma fighters, they just don’t want to leave the spotlight. When you go from the glitzy lights of vegas and the women to hick town USA and people don’t talk about you anymore that has to be tough to deal with for a narcissist like hughes. I feel bad for the guy despite reading his ‘book’.