why are there no threads about him?
i dont think witch doctors are cool with jesus.
isnt it weird that it specifically said 'witch doctor' on the show?
why are there no threads about him?
i dont think witch doctors are cool with jesus.
isnt it weird that it specifically said 'witch doctor' on the show?
oh and also that they kept calling getting an x-ray 'getting a picture.'
Yeah I think they used the reference to Witch Doctor because it was Halloween. They knew it would be aired on Halloween.
didnt the christians burn the wiccas?
I thought this was a blatent troll attempt by the producers. Whoever made this thread got trolled.
It was odd. I googled him. Apparently he's the UFC's resident witch doctor.
In medicine....an X-Ray or MRI's sometimes are called films, or pictures....just fyi
Had a heebeejeebee Haitian curse put on me once, but it didn't stick. It was funny, though.
I heard that the Witch Doctor is good at resurrecting chickens.
and he said ooh, eee, oooh ahh ahh, ting tang, walla walla bing bang.