Matt Riddle Part 3: On Contracts & Bellator

Part three of a three part series, Matt Riddle talks about past contracts and his new home with Bellator.

Be sure to check out our website at to catch part one and two of the interview to hear about family life, why he fights and his time in the UFC.

In Phone Post

Haven't listened to parts one and two yet but I really liked this one- could barely hear the interviewer, though.

I have never heard of a promotion signing a guy and then trying to get him to fight someone for half the price of his contracted amount. Does that happen in the regional shows or is this a new one?

Didn't realize Bellator prohibited the use of their athletes images on/in the ads/promotional materials of the promotions they sub them out to, not that its a bad thing. Hopefully their checks in the smaller shows aren't tied to ticket sales because its kinda hard to sell them if you can't even be on the event poster (which someone like Riddle would), unless I misunderstood what he said.

I wonder if any of the other sites will ask him any drug use/testing questions- or is he fighting in a drug-testing free zone?



CindyO -

Haven't listened to parts one and two yet but I really liked this one- could barely hear the interviewer, though.

I have never heard of a promotion signing a guy and then trying to get him to fight someone for half the price of his contracted amount. Does that happen in the regional shows or is this a new one?

Didn't realize Bellator prohibited the use of their athletes images on/in the ads/promotional materials of the promotions they sub them out to, not that its a bad thing. Hopefully their checks in the smaller shows aren't tied to ticket sales because its kinda hard to sell them if you can't even be on the event poster (which someone like Riddle would), unless I misunderstood what he said.

I wonder if any of the other sites will ask him any drug use/testing questions- or is he fighting in a drug-testing free zone?



Hi Cindy,

Thanks for watching the video. I am the interviewer and I'm usually not mic-ed up or in the interview at all. Our videographer was trying a new style of shooting with Matt's interview. Any feedback you or anyone else has I greatly appreciated.

Check out part one and two. He definitely talks about his thoughts on the whole drug situation and how it affects things.

Thanks again for watching,

~ Flip Phone Post 3.0