Matt Serra tested positive

...For meatballs.

Congrats to the new champ!


funny shit

congrats to the Terra

damn you Rogan!



I met Matt at a NAGA tourney a couple of years back. Hell of a nice guy. He has a great work ethic and alot of heart, he truly deserves this.

Damn, I clicked on this thread scared.

lmfao, you should have seen my face..........

You focker...

good one.

LOL...I'm sure GSP is upset at not cycling poutine....coulda been the equalizer.


I feel really bad for GSP, he just got caught. But at the same time I do feel good for Serra, total Rocky story. I damn near shit when it happened.

Racialist, in imo.

Rogan, you're a funny guy. You should be a comedian or something.

Joe Rogan has hair plugs? Shit, the job looks great if so.

That was just wierd, watching two genuine nice guys in the cage like that.

OH SHIT. Almost got me Joe.

"If you don't understand him we are doomed"

near pissed myself on that one.

Joe. Were you as shocked as you looked when Kos shoved you? You handled it very well simply considering how surprised by it you must have been.

Rogan.... u can gargle on my man marbles for that.

In all seriousness though, did you just want to drop the mic and bust Kos when he pushed you during the post fight interview?? Your face read something like, "Ha ha, real funny muther fu#^er! Touch me again and i'll kill you."