Max Holloway on JRE MMA show (12/18/19)


take a shot every time Max says " it is what it is"

knappster -

take a shot every time Max says " it is what it is"

Guaranteed intoxication. Sticking to "at the end of the day" for now. 

How the fuck did his 30 friends that he watched the fights with,think that max might have won the decision!!

I usually take the bad guys word as gospel but seriously, it wasn't close

Bukkaked by Bombers -

How the fuck did his 30 friends that he watched the fights with,think that max might have won the decision!!

I usually take the bad guys word as gospel but seriously, it wasn't close

I don't get it either, Max was successful in spots but he CLEARLY lost, doesn't mean it wasn't competitive. 

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Bukkaked by Bombers -

How the fuck did his 30 friends that he watched the fights with,think that max might have won the decision!!

I usually take the bad guys word as gospel but seriously, it wasn't close

Count me as one of those people as well. Not saying I'm right and I was genuinely surprised when I saw the amount of strikes landed. Watching the fight live I just thought it seemed pretty even with Volkanovski busting up the legs and Max winning the boxing. Again, I'm not saying I was right. Just how I felt at the end of the fight. After seeing my opinion was definitely in a vast minority I see that I was wrong.

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Nobody knew who won!!!



Eskimo -
Bukkaked by Bombers -

How the fuck did his 30 friends that he watched the fights with,think that max might have won the decision!!

I usually take the bad guys word as gospel but seriously, it wasn't close

Count me as one of those people as well. Not saying I'm right and I was genuinely surprised when I saw the amount of strikes landed. Watching the fight live I just thought it seemed pretty even with Volkanovski busting up the legs and Max winning the boxing. Again, I'm not saying I was right. Just how I felt at the end of the fight. After seeing my opinion was definitely in a vast minority I see that I was wrong.

Everyone has an opinion bro.

for instance I though costa clearly beat Yoel, but quite a few people thought other wise.  

An being totally honest, I could understand it being 3-2 Alex. Which means it was probably a close fight

In this interview Max said you become more susceptible to losing consciousness from being choked the more it happens, just like you are from being KO'ed....Do you think this is true?

BusterBluth -

In this interview Max said you become more susceptible to losing consciousness from being choked the more it happens, just like you are from being KO'ed....Do you think this is true?

At first it sounds kinda silly, but I guess if you get choked often enough your brain might just go into defence mode by putting you to sleep faster. Muscle memory kinda thing. Also seems like a weird defence mechanism though Haha so who knows. 

Hiker Holloway!!

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BusterBluth -

In this interview Max said you become more susceptible to losing consciousness from being choked the more it happens, just like you are from being KO'ed....Do you think this is true?

Maybe one day in the future they find out getting choked out in practice over and over has a detrimental effect on your brain. I wouldn't be surprised if what max says is true.


What would be crazy though, is if getting KOed too many times ALSO made you lose consciousness quicker when being choked out

Everyone in comments of that video also say they can't understand that room being undecided??? That room were def on something !! I love Max but he got bashed. Yeah he kept going like a warrior but look at the stats also. Even his boy mocked him when he said his legs were fine.

max is on the beach at pipeline watching some pro surfing right now

for later