Mayhem Gives Interviewer and UG a BullyBeatdown

Mayhem, thanks for taking the time for this interview. Although he punked me throughout and I had to edit most of the interview, here is Mayhem Miller talking about his rematch with Jacare at Dream, Bully Beatdown, My horrible interviewing skills and how the UG is a bunch of losers.

hahah always love the mayhem interviews

"mayhem in the AM or whenever you're watching" hehe classic.

aah so the bullies know he is coming. That explains the bad acting of the bully pretending they are shocked. 


I dont want to be a knob but it wouldnt be fair if i wasnt honest.

Your voice sounds a little kiddish which sits a little wierd with me given your interviewing a fighter ( or anyone over the age of 25 for that matter ) also there were a few dry mouth moments from you. I.e sounded like u needed a drink.

Never the less, i listened to it all. So well done for keeping my attention that long.

Keep up the work and you gotta start somewhere.

Auswilliam - I dont want to be a knob but it wouldnt be fair if i wasnt honest.

Your voice sounds a little kiddish which sits a little wierd with me given your interviewing a fighter ( or anyone over the age of 25 for that matter ) also there were a few dry mouth moments from you. I.e sounded like u needed a drink.

Never the less, i listened to it all. So well done for keeping my attention that long.

Keep up the work and you gotta start somewhere.

lol at criticizing an interviewer

all he does is ask questions lol

Auswilliam - I dont want to be a knob but it wouldnt be fair if i wasnt honest.

Your voice sounds a little kiddish which sits a little wierd with me given your interviewing a fighter ( or anyone over the age of 25 for that matter ) also there were a few dry mouth moments from you. I.e sounded like u needed a drink.

Never the less, i listened to it all. So well done for keeping my attention that long.

Keep up the work and you gotta start somewhere.

Would you believe me if I said I got kicked in the balls before the interview and had cotton mouth from the dry weather? 

"It doesn't matter! That's like saying, if my aunt has balls, she'd be my uncle."

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! XD I cried.

Rox19 - "It doesn't matter! That's like saying, if my aunt has balls, she'd be my uncle."

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! XD I cried.

That's new to you?

Ewok, Thats a pretty ignorant statement to make. People can phrase questions in certain ways or use different tones of voice to illicit different responses from the interviewie.

Im sure there are many layers an interviewer can work on to improve his craft.

Ah i didnt know if you yankee's knew what cotton mouth was but thats exactly what i was going to say ;). I did not realize that was a universal word. hehe.

I hope you kicked them back :)

not really

an interviewer asks questions and thats basically it
if you want different responses..just ask different questions.


If you havent the comprehension to understand theres a craft behind it then theres nothing i can say thats going to change your mind but im sure interviewers / radio jocks / commentators around the world would strongly disagree with you ;)

Auswilliam - If you havent the comprehension to understand theres a craft behind it then theres nothing i can say thats going to change your mind but im sure interviewers / radio jocks / commentators around the world would strongly disagree with you ;)

interviewers / radio jocks / commentators

3 seperate things
interviewers soul purpose is to ask questions and get answers

i dont know why this is so difficult for you to compute.
youd be like the worst robot ever

not really, using your logic you say there is no personal flavour an interviewer can spin on his interview that will improve it for his audience.

So why are commentators and radio jocks free from that statement? There primary communication is voice.

Commentators just commentate right ?

Hell how about fight announcers do they evade your far reaching brush ?
Surely not, as they are even more limited than interviewers in what they can say to the masses.

If you think that theres no difference in interview techniques or delievery of bill o'rielly compared to, say ali g ( lets go for extremes here because your obviously a little slow ) then you need to crawl out from under that rock.

 I'm hurt, I thought Mayhem loved us!    *rushes to take Bully Beatdown off the DVR list........then puts it back on because it's too awesome to miss!!!!**

interviewers soul purpose is to ask questions and get answers

i dont know why this is so difficult for you to compute.

youd be like the worst robot ever

lol.  not everything is as simple as you think.  It takes a lot of time and careful calculations to screw up an interview that bad.

he does love you.......because he just trolled you........