Mayhem has staph on his neck...


So that wasn't bacne?

furyfighter -

Kevin Randleman almost died from staph

Kevin Randleman: No, that one was the one that nearly killed me. What I have now is just fucking crazy. The doctors said that If I hadn't have been so strong it would have killed me and I would have died. My liver and my kidneys and lungs were failing. It was almost like a euphoric feeling. I wasn't in pain but I was just kind of out there. It was just different. A lot of this is confusing me now. Within two days I went from a healthy 220 lb. guy to a septic, infectious guy whose lungs and kidneys and shit were failing.

yeah that shit was nasty


beware of the all seeing eye. it's a sign. mayhem will bring about the apocalypse.

That is really gross. I hope you feel better soon, Sir Mayhem! :(

man that is fucked!!!

hope that gets fixed soon.

that's not why Mayhem's been making 'staph' jokes towards Shields is it?

Hurts just looking at that.

OMA (tm) - Its times like this that I wonder what Jeremy Fredrick Wilson would do (WWJFWD)

 Omahhh, is this for real?

He is growing up so fast!

Cant_Land_Head_kicks - 
OMA (tm) - Its times like this that I wonder what Jeremy Fredrick Wilson would do (WWJFWD)

 Omahhh, is this for real?

 Sadly its 100% real!!!!

I hope he gets better quick. But at the same time it would be awesome if the position of that infection permanently screwed up his voice, making him sound like he just sucked a helium tank.

 I was laid up in the hospital for 3 weeks and nearly lost my leg to staph.

get well soon.

Shit that look´s rough.

Looks like my ball sack.

Take a shower you dirty monkey..

More like Mayhem has goatse on his neck...

 that's nasty

 Wow! I had staff on my stomach just get done taking a prescription of Bactrim. Shit gets bad!

 Would be funny to see him squeeze that puppy til it POPS