Mayhem has staph on his neck...

his neck chakra is pushing through a pore in his neck.

The Sultan -  Would be funny to see him squeeze that puppy til it POPS

 OH MY GOD, that would hurt sooooooooooooo bad!!!

-OMA (tm): Mayhem had a bad week. First Jake Shields dominated him and then Staph infection (that Jake does not have, BTW!) came along and shit on Mayhem's neck! LOL!!

Looks nasty. :(



Dude... I looked up MRSA pics and I threw up in my mouth.

Good luck, Mayhem. You got a fucking uphill battle to fight.

Get well soon!

nyhcloyalty - Do you even pop that or do you have to have it lanced? 

 i had staph on my elbow that looked just like that but maybe a little less, in any case my entire arm was swollen in a matter of days. i had a doc in the er i work at look at it and he injected some sort of anesthetic all around it, then lanced it a bunch of times like an asterik * then sat there and squeezed (sqoze? ahha) and all this puss came out, then he bandaged it and gave me antibiotics. right as rain

so i guess the same thing can be done here......just sucks cause its on his neck. prolly shaved right before working out or something

btw guys, dont ever shave right before you roll....

 does not shave right before he rolls.....EVER AGAIN!!!!

 He got that from jakes bacne

 ^^^ You wish!

 in all seriousness he probably did get it from jake. (not that jake is dirty or anything)

what few people realize is that a huge % of people have staph living on their skin. its not uncommon. so when someone elses staph contacts your skin on a cut or scrape you will easily get it.

that being said if mayhem had the slighest cut or abrasion from shaving or from jake trying to rear naked him and the gloves scrapping his neck then yes its very likely he got it from jake (if that picture is recent)

PembrokePinesVillain -  in all seriousness he probably did get it from jake. (not that jake is dirty or anything)
what few people realize is that a huge % of people have staph living on their skin. its not uncommon. so when someone elses staph contacts your skin on a cut or scrape you will easily get it.
that being said if mayhem had the slighest cut or abrasion from shaving or from jake trying to rear naked him and the gloves scrapping his neck then yes its very likely he got it from jake (if that picture is recent)

First question

Is it more likely that he got it from the one guy who he fought for 25 minutes or that he picked it from one of the dozen people he spent hours upon hours training with to get ready for the fight.

Second question

Is Mayhem completely retarded? Take a fucking shower...

looks like he is growing an eyeball outta his neck.

Hate to see that on anyone...get well soon.

FightSpace - 
PembrokePinesVillain -  in all seriousness he probably did get it from jake. (not that jake is dirty or anything)
what few people realize is that a huge % of people have staph living on their skin. its not uncommon. so when someone elses staph contacts your skin on a cut or scrape you will easily get it.
that being said if mayhem had the slighest cut or abrasion from shaving or from jake trying to rear naked him and the gloves scrapping his neck then yes its very likely he got it from jake (if that picture is recent)

First question

Is it more likely that he got it from the one guy who he fought for 25 minutes or that he picked it from one of the dozen people he spent hours upon hours training with to get ready for the fight.

Second question

Is Mayhem completely retarded? Take a fucking shower...

yeah I'm sure it's MAYHEM's hygiene that's in question...

face palm...

Oh Boy!!!

I know bashing Islam is the thing to do

but here is a wise thing you can learn from them

Wash your hands, face head, ears, arms up to the elbows and feet AT LEAST 5 times a days

When the plague was fucking up the rest of Europe Muslim controlled Spain was thriving.

hope the guy gets well soon
Blue namer por favor

That's nasty.

Mayhem better make a vlog ala Joe Lauzon:

examples: Joe getting stitches skip to 2:45 Joe getting his knee drained