Mayhem has staph on his neck...

Mayhem, you better post of video of that thing being popped.

Looks like he is growing an eye in his facking neck.

did Shield's ground raping not leave him preggo, but with another gift?

jmcc445 - 
OldManMinerva - I know bashing Islam is the thing to do

but here is a wise thing you can learn from them

Wash your hands, face head, ears, arms up to the elbows and feet AT LEAST 5 times a days

When the plague was fucking up the rest of Europe Muslim controlled Spain was thriving.

The Bubonic plague was spread via the bite of infected fleas of rats. You could wash 30 times a day but if the flea bit u; it doesn't matter. Spain was affected by the plague just not as bad as other European countries. This is more likely due to Christian Muslim conflict. The area of Poland is stated to be the least affected of any in Europe. Were they Muslim? The rat population exploded in Christian countries due to the linking of cats with witchcraft. They killed of the natural predator.

that too your right
it doesn't fucking hurt to wash your hands face and feet often. You don't get extra points for saving on the soap and water

if not 5 times
at least 3 times a day.

If you are gonna be rolling with strange sweaty men triple that

...and a vagina

jmcc445 - 
OldManMinerva - I know bashing Islam is the thing to do

but here is a wise thing you can learn from them

Wash your hands, face head, ears, arms up to the elbows and feet AT LEAST 5 times a days

When the plague was fucking up the rest of Europe Muslim controlled Spain was thriving.

The Bubonic plague was spread via the bite of infected fleas of rats. You could wash 30 times a day but if the flea bit u; it doesn't matter. Spain was affected by the plague just not as bad as other European countries. This is more likely due to Christian Muslim conflict. The area of Poland is stated to be the least affected of any in Europe. Were they Muslim? The rat population exploded in Christian countries due to the linking of cats with witchcraft. They killed of the natural predator.
Both of you are right to some degree, but medieval scholars have established that the primary vector for transmission of the bubonic (and pneumonic) plague is Jews poisoning the wells.


Hey J , Ill Tap that thingy

 If you think the front looks bad; look what is coming out the back side

never ever heard of this or ringworm in judo dojos, must be something to do with different etiquete re using the mats etc imho

 That's terrible. Not staph, but watch this:

Edited as I'm trying to figure out how to link a video, sorry!

Jeebus Sarah, I thought you were a nice girl.

So it was asked earlier here, but what in the hell do you do for that? I assume go to the dr and get a prescription, but are you out of work? How bad is a staph infection you get from normal everyday rolling?

Dang, this disgusting staph epidemic has made me even more upset about not being in the gym for so long.

I am just BARELY over the obsessive compulsive syndrome I'm assuming most people get after even a pussy ass case of staph like I had a few years ago. (shudder) I remember the owners at my old gym cleaned the mats every morning (maybe every night too, can't remember), there was only one slob notable enough to stick out (well, it was more like the way he reeked like the armpit of a shirt that's been worn by a meth head for a week straight...him being like 6'4 didn't help...) who came to classes, and NOBODY got any of this.

Now by virtue of its popularity, a lot of MMA style gyms are basically a big freakin' orgy. Dudes (and ladies): go to class or training 1.) clean, and 2.) as if you're going to see your significant other a few hours after hooking up with some skank, i.e. FRESHEN UP A BIT, you unscrupulous slut-bag, and get the stink of other people's genitalia off of you. If you've been at work all day or something after taking a shower and feel a little ripe en route to the gym, give yourself a hooker/finals week shower.

"Why Tim," you say, "what exactly is a hooker/finals week shower?" Why, simply put, it's a quick rewash of your face, pits, junk, and other crevices where stripper perfume AND stale ass locker room smelling B.O. likes to hang out. It takes five minutes for someone with severe OCD to do it, and ya feel like a million--well, let's just say that you won't feel like a sweaty, ingrown hair-ridden fat man's ass afterward.

Amashinga - Jeebus Sarah, I thought you were a nice girl.

 It was Shayna Baszler's fault that I originally found that video. It's like watching an accident, it's hard to look away sometimes. Sorry :)

Blue namer if you please! The last one made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Worst one ever!

I think Brian needs to have better personal hygiene... Dude must have lost five pounds of pus and blood.

This one is a cyst, but I figured it was of the same vein.

Holy fack!

Sarah Kaufman - 
Amashinga - Jeebus Sarah, I thought you were a nice girl.

 It was Shayna Baszler's fault that I originally found that video. It's like watching an accident, it's hard to look away sometimes. Sorry :)

Ha I know. That video is sooo nasty.

 ouch ouch ouch!!!! makes me choke even thinking about it

All these pus/boil/cyst videos make my dick hard.