Mayhem has staph on his neck...

Sarah Kaufman - 
Amashinga - Jeebus Sarah, I thought you were a nice girl.

 It was Shayna Baszler's fault that I originally found that video. It's like watching an accident, it's hard to look away sometimes. Sorry :)

That Video was beyond disgusting. This thread takes down my jiu jitsu interest a few notches.


My god these videos!

vomits in mouth a little me...seriously..

what we have learned in this thread

stay the fuck out of central america

heypilgrim - 
303 - So it was asked earlier here, but what in the hell do you do for that? I assume go to the dr and get a prescription, but are you out of work? How bad is a staph infection you get from normal everyday rolling?

 I've had it and it will never completely go away. Gotta go get them lanced if they are too big, drain the puss, go antibiotics usually. i have prescription shampoo and soap, always have a script of anti-biotics ready and I have to apply an ointment inside my nose and on my taint everyday. big pain in the ass but definitely worth not having anymore staph. i was lucky i wasnt hospitalized at its worst

 did you get some rare strain or something? ive had it and know plenty of people who have, its never been a problem again, as with most people its probably on my skin just like everyone else but ive never gotten an infection again. ive never heard of anyone having it forever.....most people have it on them naturally, its only when it enters through a cut that the infection happens

 ^^omg man! thats terrible. all i can imagine is how bad that all must have hurt. geesh, hope all goes well


 What  the hell did she pull out of his back...

That dude needs to fucking shower. Oh and also, don't treat wounds with god damn duct tape! lol 

fun with bot flies

Hey does anybody know how Sir Mayhem is?? Where did that pic come from?? Does he have a blog or something??

 i think the duct tape was to suffocate them and bring them to the surface to make it easier to get them out. ive heard of someone getting some sort of larva under their skin and putting vaseling over it or something to suffocate and kill it

this is 2nd best. the best is the chest abscess.

Crazy Zimmerman - Adam's beachball.

I lol'd.

 And those videos are making me physically ill.  Nasty.

 Um, yeah, Jake gave me that shit, I shaved before the fight and got infected through a tiny razor nick- I'm all healed up and back to training, but I'd like to take the credit for spawning the MOST DISGUSTING THREAD EVER!

Will be rabidly pursuing a rematch, fighting anyone it takes to get one.

MayheM -  Um, yeah, Jake gave me that shit, I shaved before the fight and got infected through a tiny razor nick- I'm all healed up and back to training, but I'd like to take the credit for spawning the MOST DISGUSTING THREAD EVER!

Will be rabidly pursuing a rematch, fighting anyone it takes to get one.

glad to hear you're ok and back at it.

good luck with the re-match pursuit

 ^ yeah I didn't look at any of them.
