Mayhem has staph on his neck...

Veegoh -  If you think the front looks bad; look what is coming out the back side

I'd pay money to squeeze that

Good fight Mayhem.  Stop those takedowns and you at the very least win the UD.  Looking forward to the rematch.



MayheM -  ^ yeah I didn't look at any of them.

You have staph on your neck but wouldnt look at the videos? Hahah wtf

Then again, some of them are too fucking gross, getting sick now, fuck

Yay glad you're back and better! :D

Yeah this thread is gross. LOL

For minor staph outbreaks, ie boils, NOT THIS FUCKING ALIEN EMBRYO ON MAYHEM, I've used a paste made from epsom salts and tea tree oil, spread generously over the infected pore and bandaged. Starts to sting a bit but leave it overnight or at least a couple of hours.

Does wonders for drawing out pus and drying that nasty ass boil up. Sounds like new-age horseshit but it's based on a traditoinal Maori treatment for infected wounds. If you have access to a whole foods or health food oil, you can use Neem Oil instead of Tea Tree, which is supposedly as effective.

Shit works: you can get tea tree oil and epsom at walgreens for less than 10 bucks.

I watched just about all of those videos, and kept wondering how Mayhem was going to get that thing corrected without having a hole in his voicebox. Sounds like things worked out.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay out of the clinch if you ever get the chance to fight jake again. You would have BEAT HIS FUCKING ASS INTO THE GROUND if you just pushed him a away a couple of times when he pushed into you after you cracked him with a couple of shots. He had NO ANSWER for your strikes and you just grabbed him a bunch of times falling into his plan.

stop sleeping w/ brown recluses imo. ror?