Mayhem in trouble again!

Okay, tired of this moron. If you need fucking help get it. This is what, the 100th time you’ve fucked up?

Take some responsibility for fucks sake.



Not good, prob gonna be in jail for some years now


And yet certain members of this forum will be getting him on their podcasts, probably from fucking prison, so they can pander to him and milk whatever celebrity he has for clicks.

This is from a couple of months ago.


Sadly it’s not that easy. His friends and he have tried I’m sure. It’s mental health - it’s not something he can easily control or that medications can make go away without relapses.


It’s all over but the crying now


I agree. But I think there is something more subtle, and less hard to define, going on too.

That is, an emotional problem. Not merely a mental problem. But an emotional issue. Juvenile patterns of behavior, linked to mental health, and depression, and anti social behavior.

How Mayhem is, and was, acting all crazy all the time, is what 10 year olds do for attention. For self validation, and social survival.

These are patterns that are usually outgrown, but it seems Mayhem never did that.

If he can’t turn that act off when he wants to, then he is stuck being that unbalanced human, who lacks internal harmony, and cant relax.

Existing in a disturbed state, all the time.


Damn this is disappointing. Mayhem was a fan favorite of mine and I got the pleasure of meeting him several times. Last time I saw him was in 2013. After a training session at Reign in OC, he came over later that night and hung out with a couple teammates. He had this Vape pen (before they were popular) idk what was in it but he was tripping when he arrived. I think some of it was him trying to be funny, which he was, but it was alarming. It got a little awkward just sitting around smoking pot so we decided to go to the weight room and he immediately snapped back into normal Mayhem. Really confusing behavior. He is truly such an genuine person with a big heart, but there are a few wires loose or something, I’m not a doctor, but he needs help. Seems it’s always over the same type of stuff when he gets in trouble.


Idk if you’re talking about Adam Hunter but he is the man. He and Mayhem are friends and he’s helped him a ton. He even removed Mayhem as a regular host from his podcast because Mayhem was showing signs of alarming behavior, this was before he was arrested last year. His podcast actually took a huge hit at first because majority wanted to see Mayhem. That’s the opposite of exploitation.

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i’m talking about anyone who has him on and panders to him. Has anyone had him on one of their podcasts and called him out, to his face about his behaviour?

Yeah I’ve seen Adam do it. On and off camera. Adam is a good guy & great friend.


Can this kid just go to prison for life so we don’t have to hear about him again? He’s a scumbag D level fighter who’s always up to shitty things. Why is he in the news? He’s like the Luka Magnotta of MMA.

The last thing i’d be doing to a friend who was constantly criminally fucking up, very publicly, is have him anywhere near my podcast. Didn’t he have Miller call in from fucking Jail less than a year ago? yeah, that definitely the actions of a true friend.

Can we get the title changed to a more accurate “Longtime Violent Criminal Beats ANOTHER Woman”?

“in trouble” sounds like he missed curfew and will be grounded.

This asshole is a violent, vicious POS who needs to be locked up forever before he goes full Kopenhaver.


He’s a mess. Dude needs a lot of help.I hope he gets it before it’s to late and he kills someone.

Mayhem Monkeys check in

Does anyone remember what incident fully endeared the UG to Mayhem?

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fuck this clown. How many more times until he ends up killing someone or goes on a murder rampage. The mans a loose nut who needs to be put in a psych ward for the rest of his life or until he can take care of his mental retardation

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Stem cells, heavy nutrients, hyperbaric chambers, physiotherapy, and cleaning living.

He and Rogan were tight for a while. I think that endeared him to the UG

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Any girl that agrees to hang with the guy at this point needs to be looked at also