Mayhem joins me on my live podcast Tuesday 7-20-10

Chomas -  sweet

Joe please let us know when you are on Sirius!

It should be pretty soon. They've almost got the details of it worked out. It'll still be on itunes and ustream as well.

T Mac Attack - Joe pleaaaaaaasee keep this free!! i like smoking a bowl and listening to the podcast. i dont wanna have to play for weed and the podcast!!

 get a job u hippy!!

*hits bong

You should have Nick Diaz stop by tommorow too

Joe, in the interview with Ariel you had said before a UFC event you eat a huge meal of steaks, waffles etc. for lunch to last you the long hours of commentating. Have you ever had to had to leave goldie there for a quick bathroom run or vice versa?

If the fights start at 4pm and you have to stay there till basically 10pm while drinking water and a monster meal for lunch there could be some bowel movements of epic proportions.

i remember hearing a hockey commentator say that he kept a bottle under the table to whiz in cause he cant leave during the action.

Joe Rogan - 
Chomas -  sweet

Joe please let us know when you are on Sirius!

It should be pretty soon. They've almost got the details of it worked out. It'll still be on itunes and ustream as well.

Joe, have you given any thought to doing a daily radio show? It's that good.You could.

Get Diaz to co-host it with you. Caught the live act when you were in Philly, and you're right, he brings the party and is just a hilarious dude in general.

Joe Rogan - 
Scott Rotem - I look forward to this 2 hours every week. Excellent stuff.

Thanks, I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.

It's going to start airing on Sirius/XM satellite radio soon as well.

 That's awesome news. Congrats!


 sweet love the show bro

I listen whenever I can, always a pleasure.

I laughed so hard at work today that I started crying when Brian started talking about Fleshlight smoothies. That guy ain't quite right.

Awesome, then 10 days later is The Voice vs Mayhem!!

T Mac Attack - Joe pleaaaaaaasee keep this free!! i like smoking a bowl and listening to the podcast. i dont wanna have to play for weed and the podcast!!

It's going to still be free on ustream and itunes. It's just also going to be available for Sirius/XM listeners.

are you doing anything in Indy before 119?

Awesome news! Keep up the good work!

Joe used to like sherdog haha. I love the show man, and you do a amazing Alex Jones impression I must say.

spliff - You should have Nick Diaz stop by tommorow too

Word up!

Love the show Joe, keep up the good work!

 Hey Joe, can you tell your friend Brian to start eating again? I think it's your responsibility to step in before the dudes kidneys shut down. 

love the show

Does anyone have a link to tonight's show?

That's a good combo.

Big fan of the show! I've got quite a few mates over here in Australia who I got onto it...the word is spreading wide and far! And yes, make sure Redman eats.