Mayhem training @ Reign T.C cali / Munez

looking forward to seeing him fight


being a brit i'm a massive Bisping fan but i think this will be the first time i'm going against him i fucking love Mayham has a person and a fighter the guy is class

Watching a vid like that makes me want to quit my job, tell my family I will be back in a few years and go train like them. Im seriously pumped after watching it, I wanna roll.

Mark Munoz has to be one of the coolest, most likeable guys guys ever. I'd love to get a chance to train with that dude. Whether you like Mayhem or not you can't deny he seems to be putting himself around all the right people.

But i personally think Mayhem is awesome and great for the sport. He doesn't take himself too seriously but busts his ass in the gym and is tough as shit.

Can't wait to see him beat the piss out of Mikey.

 that was a great video. We don't all hate you Mayhem





































but the 80's hair...


Hes going to break that Brits arm off.

 One of the best "insider" type videos I've ever seen. 

Great vid, I got tired just watching it...LOL! Reign and KingsMMA is such a great partnership, what a team!


TWO arms to lift a barbell with that much weight on it?! Bisping can do it with one and drink a cup of tea with the other.

 Funny, if thats the case you'd think he could hit harder than a 6th grade cheerleader.......go figure!


LOL@ this continous infatuation with Bisping not having heavy hands...not everyone is blessed with knockout punching power in their hands... in fact very few are. the best fighters have top "all round" skill sets.. i remeber seeing bisping fight live when he first started getting noticed on the small shows, he could bang back then.. but had other areas that he was failing in. he slowly changed his game over the years to add more tools and has become a better fighter for it.

For later Phone Post



Mark Munoz: "...Ryron Gracie for sure. He's been the one that's been spearheading my preparation for this fight. He's been with me since I moved out here and started up in Orange County and he's the one that accepted me in before anyone knew who I was. He's been helping me develop for this fight. Everyone else has been helping as well, Marcel and Babalu and them but Ryron has been especially helpful. "