Mayhem training @ Reign T.C cali / Munez

How many top guys can you see at this session?? its like a who's who!!

(and as i stated in another post, that mayhem is friends wiht the gracie boy's... Ryron is training too)

I gassed just watching that

it really shows in his punching power too

did everyone catch Miller laughing about the UG haters at the begining?? LOOL


Mayhem is a beast and Bisping certainly has his work cut out...

Mayhem looks to be in really good shape, def leaner than when he was in SF

lotta good fighters at that gym.


WAR GATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy shit that's a lot of talent in one room.


 Cool Video its awesome seeing inside the training camps like this.  Really cool strength and conditioning mixing in workouts with actual fighting techniques.  Should be a great fight.

Miller has always had a ton of talent. He looks great in that video. Training hard with a lot of talented fighters. Hopefully his return to the UFC is a successful one. Good luck Jason.

 surely Mayhem knows that although the majority of Monkees have been in hiberantion, they still exist here on the UG, right?

Mayhem Monkee #987,521.3

ttt for Mayhem!

croman - ttt for Mayhem!



Ryron Gracie is there wtf? Anyone know why Ryron is there? Is he planning to fight soon or something?

Im a real boy - Ryron Gracie is there wtf? Anyone know why Ryron is there? Is he planning to fight soon or something?

He is mark Munoz's BJJ trainer (so i heard) and is also part of his team for his up coming fight with maia..... plus Mayhem knows the brothers too... he took the "Gracie challenge" against Rener a while back, and got tapped with a choke.

Great vid!