Maynard says Bones hasn't had a "real" fight yet

Good interview from Gray where he really lays it on the line. I don't agree with him on Jones, but he makes the point that you don't know how good a fighter is until he gets tested by adversity.

Says he thinks Rashad Evans will be the one to beat him.


Him and rashad were roomates so this isn't surprising coming from him Phone Post

Hashad is smarter than people think, he may have sumthin 4 his brother

Shogun isnt a real fight?

The Jones hate is at an unbelievable level right now. I think it's even surpassed the Brock hate. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to see Evans lose to Davis.

ChokeEmOut - 
Chimonos Revenge - Shogun isnt a real fight?

 Not a Shogun coming in off a long layoff from his 2nd or 3rd ACL injury no.

Maynard is right, he hasn't faced any adversity yet and as soon as he gets clipped good I bet he folds like a lawnchair.

You mean you HOPE that he folds like a lawnchair. Since the man has no other flaws in his game you have to hope that he has no heart right?

lol @ the douches in this thread taking all credit away from Bones because he destroyed Shogun so easily. In case you idiots forget, Shogun was number 1 in the world and get dealt with easily. He got smashed. Obliterated. He probably wouldn't take another fight with Jones even if he had the chance.

I think what he means is that Bones hasn't had to take a beating yet.

He has fought great fighters but he's yet to be in a real fight yet.

 Gray is a angry ginger than needs to shhhhhhhhhhhhh

But if gray wants to bet on hshady Ill take his action along with a million other people

I bet you gray also thinks he's the most exciting fighter in the world. Thinks his shit doesn't stink Phone Post

ThreadRuiner - 
ChokeEmOut - 
Chimonos Revenge - Shogun isnt a real fight?

 Not a Shogun coming in off a long layoff from his 2nd or 3rd ACL injury no.

Maynard is right, he hasn't faced any adversity yet and as soon as he gets clipped good I bet he folds like a lawnchair.

You mean you HOPE that he folds like a lawnchair. Since the man has no other flaws in his game you have to hope that he has no heart right?

ChokeEmOut - 
Chimonos Revenge - Shogun isnt a real fight?

 Not a Shogun coming in off a long layoff from his 2nd or 3rd ACL injury no.

Maynard is right, he hasn't faced any adversity yet and as soon as he gets clipped good I bet he folds like a lawnchair.

you know you sound dumb right now, right?

 Bonnar gave him a fight.

Thing is that Rashad is not the guy to test Jones, at all. Evans is probably Jones' easiest fight amongst all contenders. Evans won't outwrestle him in MMA (he's much more likely to get tossed on his head himself), isn't a great striker, won't threaten with kicks, won't submit off his back, and very importantly, is very fragile. He just can't take damage well. No way Evans could survive for anywhere close to as long as Shogun did. That means he won't survive enough of a beating to test Jones' cardio, either. Evans only shot is lucky punch.

I also see Davis as a pretty easy fight for Jones. Though Davis might be more durable than Evans, and also if he did get Jones on his back could probably threaten with subs. Whereas Evans would just have to hug to hold Jones down even if he did get him down. But Davis wouldn't have the puncher's chance Evans would have. Both are probably fairly easy wins for Jones though.

Rampage, for all his motivation issues, is the scarier fight for Jones. I highly favor Jones there but I can see Rampage beating him as a realistic, non-fluke outcome.

ChokeEmOut - Not a Shogun coming in off a long layoff from his 2nd or 3rd ACL injury no.

Maynard is right, he hasn't faced any adversity yet and as soon as he gets clipped good I bet he folds like a lawnchair.

Jones' icy calm fighting demeanor and ruthless offense gives no indication that he'll fold after getting hit. Now it's entirely possible - it's an unknown. But there is no evidence whatsoever that indicates this as the likely scenario.

And Shogun is still a great opponent, Jones was just on a totally different level that night.

Note that I'd really like to see Jones KTFO'd someday due to his attitude and personality, however he is an amazing fighter and we don't have any reason to doubt his heart yet. His heart is unproven but you cannot assume it's lacking. That's wishful hater thinking. I see Jones defending a couple times and possibly having a long reign, his talent and skills are unreal.

Hungry4Stink -  Bonnar gave him a fight.

This was back when all his standup consisted of was moved he learned on Youtube.

It does seem that if he has a weakness it's cardio, but if even Shogun - whose chin is the stuff of legend and who has tons of heart - was left pleading on his knees for mercy, there's not too many guys I see surviving long enough to test that cardio.

Other than Anderson, I think his toughest test is Machida; and after that, Mousasi, Hendo and Rampage. Machida and Mousasi both have a crazy ability to avoid damage, they are rarely ever touched in fights. Machida has great footwork and is smart, he's the biggest threat among LHWs. Mousasi is very talented, great at defending off his back and also has that eerie killer calmness inside the cage that Anderson, Jones, Fedor, Cain have.

Rampage is just very durable, and physically strong, and while he's terrible off his back he does have a good track record of defending GnP. Hendo is also very durable, still great in the clinch (where Jones makes a living), a very good scrambler when not injured, and still KOs or drops people by barely touching them (Rampage's track record of recent KOs is lacking).

I see everybody other than Anderson and maybe Machida as at least +200 underdogs though, and probably over +250. Even Machida might be more than +200.

Ghan - I find it hard to believe that Jones is better than Rashad everywhere, which is pretty much what you're saying.

...but, in what areas is Rashad better...? I thnk most would agree that Jones is better almost everywhere.

better striking
*better wrestling
*better timing
*better distance control
*size and functional strength (he controls and manhandles people a lot easier than Evans ever has)
*smarter in-fight strategy and tactics (Jones doesn't make mistakes and never botches moves, Evans makes mistakes often and isn't always in good technical form especially on defense)
*better in the clinch
*better takedowns
*better TDD
*better low kicks
*better straight punches
*better top control
*better submissions
*better GNP

And many of those things are by far, not even close.

*better punching power
*used a high kick once
*better hooks? Can't recall Jones throwing many hooks
*and *maybe
better submission defense?

Cardio and durability - push. Jones got tired against Bonnar and Shogun, but Evans repeatedly gasses badly by round 3. Jones' durability hasn't been tested so I'll be conservative and say it's even, however it's very unlikely he's as fragile as Evans.

So yes, Evans just doesn't have much to offer Jones except lucky punch. At distance he'll get picked apart. He has to find a way to close distance with striking. And yet, if he closes distance, that's clinch range and he's outclassed there too. And he doesn't normally have kicks in his arsenal, so it will easier for Jones to deal with the boxing.

Think surprise Sean Salmon head kick might actually be one of Evans' best hopes. But, Jones is much taller than Evans so that seems pretty improbable.

great posts DaemonDragon

Lol at "not having a fight" because he is a head and shoulder above his competition... Literally. Phone Post

subwrassler - 
ChokeEmOut - 
Chimonos Revenge - Shogun isnt a real fight?

 Not a Shogun coming in off a long layoff from his 2nd or 3rd ACL injury no.

Maynard is right, he hasn't faced any adversity yet and as soon as he gets clipped good I bet he folds like a lawnchair.


you know you sound dumb right now, right?


I never thought Shogun looked like a world beater in this pic above.

This looks like a ready to go Shogun:


Jones has faced adversity he hurt his hand and lived to tell the tale Phone Post