Maynard says Bones hasn't had a "real" fight yet

DaemonDragon - 
subwrassler - lol @ "normal self"

you're not the first person to say a fighter didn't look like himself before a fight.
but why is it always AFTER the fight and AFTER he loses?

Well while I disagree with his specific example (Shogun looks fine in that Machida pic), and agree that weigh-ins and such are over-analyzed to preposterous degrees, it isn't always just after that people can see this.

For instance Gilbert Yvel looked awful for Madsen. As if he didn't train at all and just showed up for the paycheck. And that's probably somewhat accurate.

There was also Shogun in the second Machida fight - he looked in pretty bad shape for that one, he had a clear gut and no definition. As we learned, he had appendix surgery 7 weeks earlier and couldn't train, and also one of his knees was messed up (and he messed up the other one during the fight). So that did indicate Shogun wasn't in the best shape - of course, he KO'd Machida anyway which makes it more impressive. So him having a gut didn't indicate anything. Although, if the fight lasted longer, his cardio probably wouldn't have been as good as in the first fight.

And obviously, there's James Skeletor Irvin. And 300 pound cop Tim Sylvia.

Penn is also pretty unique. I can't think of another fighter whose fans' confidence wavers so much just based on his expression before Buffer's introductions. From Penn-Edgar II you could read archived comments posted just before the fight by Penn fans about their confidence sinking due to his expression, while prior to the Hughes fight they became more confident. Penn though is pretty unique, I can't think of another fighter you could predict like that. Most of the time staredowns, pre-fight expressions etc. and such mean absolutely nothing. I do have a strong (although unverifiable) suspicion that with Penn, there's something to it.

I totally agree with you.
What I was referring to was the "look in his eyes" sort of b.s. that people talk about. Typically, it's that he (whoever) didn't look himself walking to the octagon.

So if jones hasn't been tested, maybe someone should get good enough to test him. Until then, he's dominating, and it's not his fault no one can do anything to put him in danger. Phone Post

The reason Jones hasn't been tested is because he's that damn good. LMAO at the clowns on here trying to act like Jones isn't legit.

Scott Rotem - Grays been shit talkin a lot of people lately.....Pettis, Bones. Wtf is his problem?

 It'll just get worse now that they're having these guys cause all kinds of ridiculous drama on purpose with their interweb accounts.

NarlyPersianDude - 
JDSFTW - Him and rashad were roomates so this isn't surprising coming from him Phone Post

dick tucker right here, hi you doing coward, I like how you can insult me on my thread, and then say you will provide a ranking, but weeks later you have still run from making your own ranking. And you have posted in like over 80 threads in the last week.

You are a scared dumbass

VTFD idiot,stay on ur own threads and quit fuckin up this one with ur crybaby shit

ChokeEmOut - 
Chimonos Revenge - Shogun isnt a real fight?

 Not a Shogun coming in off a long layoff from his 2nd or 3rd ACL injury no.

Maynard is right, he hasn't faced any adversity yet and as soon as he gets clipped good I bet he folds like a lawnchair.

well, if youre good enough to totally destroy your opponents so you dont face adversity, how is that a bad thing?

This is a stupid angle.

Are you fucking serious? Just stop it with the oh that Shogun wasnt 100% bullshit some of you are grasping hard at straws. He hasnt faced adversity becuz he dosent allow himself to be put in that kind of danger!!! Hello! Any fighter would rather dominate than to take some hard shots just to show that they are "real" fighters. Please Stop hating you guys are getting pathetic.

 its true bones hasnt been tested yet. nobodys really been able to fight back

ranier wolfcastle -  its true bones hasnt been tested yet. nobodys really been able to fight back

That is more a testament to Jones skill, then any deficiencies by his opponents.

Gray Maynard is a smug prick who thinks his shit don't stink...Soon enough he will be shut up

subwrassler - 
UltraMagnus - - Jones hasn't taken a flush legkick

- Chin has not been tested

- His best performance against a real striker in the stand up was against a guy coming off knee reconstruction...

- His ability to defend submissions

- His heart and Condtioning hasn't been tested either....

he has not been tested. although,,he has fought and beaten at least 5 UFC fighters including the LHW Champion.
Shame on him.
he needs to defend some submissions and get punched in the chin already.
until then, he's not a real figher.

LMAO @ you people

Nice post. Saying I bet he will fold once someone, anyone clips him is speculation at best. Wow, way to go on a limb there buddy. I bet if someone gets his back with both hooks in he may RNC him too. See how that works? Since all we have to go off is past fights, Id say Rashad is the one who crumbles when pressured, just watch Machida you know ACTUALLY fold him up.

My god these Shogun apologists.

And who the fuck has "lay and pray" Maynard fought. Phone Post

Saying Jones hasn't been tested is kind of an empty statement. He's faced some of the best at his weight class, and if they're unable to test him, who can reasonably expected to give him a fight? Rashad? I just don't see it.

Maynard isn't wrong. Jones really hasn't been tested or been in real trouble. That just speaks to his ability though because he's fought good competition.

What Gray said was true...The way he said it makes him look like a prick. Phone Post

If nobody is good enough to test any of the things people are saying need to be tested then isn't that the definition of being the best?

bjws - If nobody is good enough to test any of the things people are saying need to be tested then isn't that the definition of being the best?

I'd say so. Where is the clamoring from Shogun's camp for a rematch when he is %100 etc? If they truly felt that way surely they'd want it. He was beaten so soundly I doubt they want any piece of that again.

hysterical!!! LayNPray has had 1 good fight and now he's a star and can talk down on ppl?!? i mean is his water polluted with douchness?

Haven't read all this bullshit, but, Shogun admitted the very first knee fucked him up bad and threw him way off for the entire fight.
I see what Gray is saying, you have to be challenged to see if you can come back stronger and adapt under adversity etc etc, it's not necessarly true, if you have the tools and skills to uterly destroy everyone in front of you, that doesn't make you any less of a champion.