Fuck brother, you are lightening fast. You provide a fantastic service to this site, V3!
Thank you sir, I always say everyone here adds a little something to the site. I like to provide fights on top of my forum discussion. You're a fantastic poster my friend, VU for you as well
Cool thanks
Thank you very much, VU.
It was great to watch that fight NOT in English. The Russian(?) was very subdued to the point where I quickly stopped hearing it.
It was like no commentary but I could still here the punches and the crowd. I may opt to watch more fights like this.
It eliminated an entire thing I usually have to do when I watch a fight (process the commentary) and allowed me to focus on the fight.
I really appreciate you posting this.
Thx op. In the first you hear the ref say watch the feet and then Guerrero moves forward and steps on floyds foot trying to hit him off balance.
Thanks! Much appreciated!
I love watching the spanish commentary from Mexico especially when they have Chavez Sr on. The first minute of a round is typically the play-by-play guy giving a commerical for peanuts or spanish beer. The remaining two minutes is an insanely fast account of the round with Chavez Sr yelling biasdly for whoever is Mexican.
Way more fun then the HBO team.
At 33:40 Mayweather gives Guerrero a quick guillotine.
Someone has been working on his BJJ.
thanks brother.