Mcfederies vs Anderson......

So I take it Drew McFederies is the new Terry Martin?

MARK MY WORDS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY BET ON DREW IN THIS FIGHT. He will ko silva with ease and screw up your little ranking. Silva can' contend ih power like that. You will see a shoe lace diving Anderson Silva if that match ever materializes.


Mcfederies nearly killed Radev..... The dude is wicked

"??? Sakara got destroyed! At no point did it look like Sakara had hurt him. You must have retained more of Joe Rogans pre-fight hype about Sakara than the actual results."

Did you even watch the fight? First of all Joe Rogan wasn't even there and Sakara nailed McFedries in the chin that knocked his mouth piece out and was going to work on him. Even Randy was saying what was going on when Sakara went to the ground.

"Hermes Franca, Chris Leben, etc. Maybe I missed the fight, but I just don't remember Mcfederis Nytol'in anyone."

He "Nytol'd" Sakara, and KO'd that bulgarian guy with relative ease. Kampmann was in major trouble prior to taking Drew down as he admitted afterwards. Mcfedries has the natural born power necessary to knock people out.

"Did you even watch the fight? First of all Joe Rogan wasn't even there and Sakara nailed McFedries in the chin that knocked his mouth piece out and was going to work on him. Even Randy was saying what was going on when Sakara went to the ground."

It was pretty clear watching the fight Sakara didnt hurt him at all. And even more clear from teh replays that Drew hurt him BADLY. It was no mystery or fluke.

Drew got CTFO by Martin...

He raped Kampmann standing and Kampmann is a dutch MT champion. Of course he also got slammed and choked out by a dutch MT champion.

Kampmann proved he can take lots of punishment against McFedries.

Then he switched gears and put McFedries to sleep.

I'm afraid McFedries would get picked apart by Silva, but also wouldn't be
surprised to see Drew land one big one and KTFO Silva.

Silva's faced people with lethal striking before, see his fight with Curtis Stout.

Can McFedries ever fight again?
I remember he had a horrible staph infection few months ago. He lost a lot of muscle because of the infection and surgeries.

He has a punchers chance, but he's not nearly as skilled as Anderson.


For McFrederies vs. Anderson watch Leben vs. Anderson...

Btw... I think McFrederies vs. Leben could happen...

He "Nytol'd" Sakara, and KO'd that bulgarian guy with relative ease. Kampmann was in major trouble prior to taking Drew down as he admitted afterwards. Mcfedries has the natural born power necessary to knock people out.


The Kampmann fight was kind of what I was talking about.  He hit Kampmann on the button NUMEROUS times and Kampmann was able to hold it together and take the fight to the ground.  Now I remember Sakara.  I'm not saying he doesn't hit hard, but he doesn't possess the Tank Abbott type power some people think he does. 

Again, and this is just IMO, heavy hands Abbott-esque power means you hit anyone on the button and they are either nappin, or in deep deep trouble.  I've seen Drew hit guys in ways that if Tank or Rizzo, or other heavy handed KO power fighters have hit guys, and they don't always go away.



mcfederies has made some great strikers (kampmann and sakara) look like complete amatuers. if anyone has a chance in the ufc's mw division at beating anderson on their feet it is mcfederies. i've been calling this one for awhile. i'm not saying mcfederies would win but this fight would be fireworks and drew has big potential to pull of the upset.

Andersen is going to kill anyone that decides they are a "striker" against him.

Curtis Stout and Lee Murray thought they were strikers against Silva.  Drew hits hard but he stalks straight down his opponents centerline when he attacks.  He will have to be quicker than Silva to make that work, and I don't think he is.  He doesn't take angles, so slipping Silva's punches will be very difficult and take counterpunching out of the equation.

It's a fight, and in MMA any top level fighter can beat any other top fighter on a given night, but if Drew is going to try to take Anderson out with pure striking............he will have a LOT of work cut out for him.
