Mcfederies vs Anderson......

Mcfederies quite possibly has the biggest bombs of all of the UFC but his
ground game is serious suspect... He is coming off a major staph
infection soon but I believe after a few more fights, him vs Silva would be
insane Fireworks..... Once mcfederies becomes more well rounded... he
will be hard to beat...Those two slugging it out would be intense.....

Anderson would absolutely destroy him. Wouldn't even be close.

wachu talkin about??

Martin Kampman stood with him for quite a while. Silva is 5x the striker Kampmann is.

Kampmann vs. Silva IMO.....

Wild??? wtf are you smoking???he has true boxing skills with serious
power and athletic ability. He is inexperienced (his fight with
Kampanmann exposed) but the dude has some seriously wicked hands. I
think once he gets a couple more fights under his belt.... he will be facing
Anderson for the title and it will be an insane stand up war

Sakara was beating him pretty bad in their fight until he went for some reason. Im pretty sure Silva would finish him easily.

Martin Kampanmann looked like a he got ran over by a truck. and wisely
took the fight to ground.. repeating over and over how hard mcfederies

Agree he has the tools to put anyone in the division away.

Anderson is much more well rounded, and probably more techincal of a striker.

I wouldnt count McFedries out all that easily.

Kampman got eaten alive on the feet with Drew. It only takes one big punch to end or change a fight so Drew has the power to beat any, not say he would beat Silva though, but does have power enough too.

the only reason I bring this fight up.. .because Franklin actually did
connect a few times with solid shots against Silva.. but Silva wasn't even
phased.. If mcfederies would have connected... different story...

how come I don't know what b&a means?

oh wait... is that black and athletic?

I guess every hard hitting wrestler could go into boxing or K-1 and dominate...

only person who really has a chance isnt even in the ufc.....matt
lindland...henderson and other 205ers have a shot but dont want to drop

"Sakara was beating him pretty bad in their fight until he went for some reason. Im pretty sure Silva would finish him easily."

??? Sakara got destroyed! At no point did it look like Sakara had hurt him. You must have retained more of Joe Rogans pre-fight hype about Sakara than the actual results.

McFedries has a ridiculous chin and vicious power.

Fine tune his game, he could very well be a future champion.

McFedries has a ridiculous chin and vicious power.

Fine tune his game, he could very well be a future champion.

I like the fact that Mcfedries (sp?!) punches with bad intentions and never pitter pats, but for all the oohs and ahhs, has he knocked anyone TFO!?  He lands those bombs, but the guys don't go away so does he really have all that on his punches?  Heavy Hands, to ME, is where a guy swings from any angle and puts people down.................Hermes Franca, Chris Leben, etc.  Maybe I missed the fight, but I just don't remember Mcfederis Nytol'in anyone.



He smoked that Russian dude, which was like an off angle uppercut and dude was totally out, laid out for about 10 minutes after the fight.

He put down Sakara, maybe not completely unconcious?

Silva WITHOUT ? has the far superior skill set...That being said, McFederies is one of those dangerous punchers who, if he lands a bomb, could end Anderson's night. I think it could be an interesting fight.