McGregor Fans Demanded 303 Refunds?

When a main event gets canceled, ticket holders are entitled to a refund.

How much of the original purchase price gets refunded typically depends on a few factors, like how close to fight night the bout falls apart — in case you were wondering why official announcements [seem to take longer than they should](Dana White FINALLY addresses fans amid Conor McGregor drama, leaves UFC 303 ticket holders angry and confused -

Former UFC two-division champion, Conor McGregor, helped lead the promotion to a $20 million gate for UFC 303 on June 29 in Las Vegas, but then later withdrew from the card with a broken pinky toe, giving “Notorious” fans (limited) ability to jump ship.

As a result, the UFC 303 gate ended north of $16 million.

“We have built up this trust level with our fan base that they know when they show up we’re gonna put on a good show,” White said at the UFC 303 post-fight press conference. “When the main event falls out, you’re able to get refunds. I think the thing was … you coulda got a 50-percent refund after the fight fell off and people didn’t do it. They stayed, they came, and came in for International Fight Week. I think it’s a testament to the trust that we have built with our fan base.”-ticket-holders-angry-confused).

Always read the fine print.

McGregor is not expected to spend much time on the sidelines and current opponent, Michael Chandler, is already preparing for a possible showdown in either August or September, though nothing is official at this time.

So people didnt want to lose half they paid money? Lol
These days all journalism about ufc is dog fuking shit