McGregor Rips Khabib After Member of his Gym implicated in Russian Terrorist Attacks

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Only the Olive Skin, Black Hairy, Big Nose culture can have ā€œMOBS.ā€

Ohā€¦And Italians too!

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Pun Baby Jesus GIF by MOODMAN

Nah talking about Conor


Magomedov couldnā€™t take a normal dude, so he sucker punched him afterwards? What a fucking joke


Shocking, here you are on another thread talking about Conor. The obsession runs deep.

I donā€™t think there is anyone on this entire site that talks about him more than you do. He lives in your dreams.


Cmon Jack Merridew, u know Iā€™ve said multiple times I do not like him as a human.

The only things we have in common is the sport of MMA and cocaine, and I will still snort that cunt under the table, if it was a first person to die cocaine contest.

Now, u on the other hand are the actual one with the Conor obsession as u always post in his threads, he is living

Usl Championship Soccer GIF by Oakland Roots SC

In Ur head.

Itā€™s a sick obsession you have with Conor, and Me for that matterā€¦

Nd welcome back to the UG jackā€¦
Itā€™s good to have u back


We have been down this road.

  1. I donā€™t know who that is

  2. I never comment on Conor, just the weird obsession this site (and mostly you) have with a fighter whos now non-existent skill-set have rendered him irrelevant as far as top fighters are concerned.

Again, I admit that the weird obsession you all (and mostly you) have, does peak my interest.

Its just very odd, I would think on a site like this more attention would go to actual good fighters, but human nature is human nature and you are clearly drawn to him and donā€™t care much for actual relevant fighters.

You commment on all his treads
We all know you think about him once at least daily.

Again itā€™s great to have u back Jack, u have been missed since Ur perma ban a few days before UFC 300.

We had some epic back and forths for 3 or 4 yrs.

And I get how u are not trying to break kayfabe, so Iā€™ll go along with the shtickā€¦

U in. :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

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Yeah, still donā€™t know who that is.

A few of Ur other nemesis like Spagoli and a few others have put a block in their accounts since u departed.

Anyway, I look forward to going back and forth with u and, pssst u need to rev it up more, a d use GIFs like these for example ok

Yea Right GIF

Loop Reaction GIF

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You are Jack.

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He is

Martin Sheen Yes GIF

Heā€™s holding off on the Dagi MMA fighter stuff to trick us a bit, but cant help himselfā€¦

He may even go down a different avenue and get a New gimmick,

He may even revert back to his lion king/Thai boy
Conor dick riding gimmick

What do U reckon @anon59506726


Not sure on the pivot. My .02

Dagis are great fighters. Clearly the best when you look at total population of area per fighter. Its impressive.

At the same time, itā€™s all they do. Their culture, so it makes sense.

When he talks, Khabib seems like a reasonable guy but if he backs all the terrorist shit deep down, whcih seems possible, then I have no respect for him.

Now you, 90pct of your posts are on Conor Mcgregor. Itā€™s just super weird. You arenā€™t an mma fan. A true mma fan wouldnā€™t put so much of their attention on the guy.

I donā€™t think you are a bad guy or anything. Just lack a lot of self awareness it seems



You know 90% of my post are not Conor related

Itā€™s most on After Dark where I post in my poop thread, In my various Onlyfans mma girls threads.

I donā€™t dislike u bro.

What is Ur thoughts on Khabib fleeing Russia cause of his tax fraud, and his gym being raided for terrorist activitiesā€¦ Go

Its interesting, you can tell its his writing style and all

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Itā€™s interesting not being this person you two think I am. Not sure how to play it.

I would like to drive home the point that your boy is weirdly obsessed with Conor Mcgregor. Itā€™s really strange

Classic Merridew :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

I got Ur DM btwā€¦:wink:


Seeing McGregor is best buddies with the leading members of the Kinahan cartel and his sister is dating one of them he shouldnā€™t be criticizing others for the company they keep.