
Without insurance, how much does it cost to get an HIV. Hep B, and Hep C Test? I never used to pay for it because the promotion I used to fight for used to take care of it. Now this new promotion is not covering it.

 Lookin' at about $250-$1,000 depending on where you go. I'd call around to a few clinics and ask. 

Where do you fight? Who are you fighting next?

I used to fight in florida and now i am going to new orleans and indiana

disbeliever, i am not a good actor, LOL! how much do you guys pay for it?


disbeliever - Maybe go into an ER and say you were exposed to an HIV infected persons blood who may or may not also have had hep. They will run all the tests, when they come back with results and discharge you, ask for copies.

p.s. Im not being serious, although it would work as an ER has to admit everyone even without insurance

 LOL, put a little white make up on your face and sores/blisters on your cheeks....they'll defenitely run tests.

Go to a Planned ParentHood, they gave me the HIV cheap. I asked about the price without insurance ( I wasn't sure if I was covered) and it was definitley under $100. Call and they will give you a price.

They can also test you faster than a doctor and you do not have to pay for an office visit.