Melbourne mayor protests octagon girls

When the Octagon touches down in Melbourne, Australia for UFC 243 next Saturday, the city's mayor was hoping Octagon girls wouldn't be there. Sally Capp called for the UFC to move past the outdated practice of Octagon girls.

"It's 2019, do we really still need scantily-clad women to wander around the middle of a fighting ring between rounds?" Capp said. "Grid girls are no longer part of Formula One. Walk-on girls are no longer part of professional darts -- surely it's time to move on."

Yet, UFC president, Dana White does not agree with that. Instead, he points out how valued the Octagon girls are to the UFC and plans on having Octagon girls in attendance for UFC 243.

"Our Octagon girls, they're as much a part of the UFC brand as anyone, they're ambassadors for our sport," White told The Daily Telegraph (h/t MMA Mania). "So for someone who has absolutely no education whatsoever about who these girls are – about what they do. What they mean to the UFC – to start going off, it's ridiculous."

Ha Gaaayyyeeee

she's a cunt

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Why is she trying to take opportunities away from women? 


What a bitch. 

Serious Sally

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Why did they let her out of the kitchen? 

Good answer from Dana. Fuck you Sally! :D

Well if darts isn't allowing it then I can't argue with Sally.