Met some OKUG lurkers last night

 But they were afraid to say too much!

Jump in the fire guys!

Or they didn't know who was standing right next to them! It was good to have beers with you fags...zilla drinks horse piss, also known as Heiniken! Phone Post

Haha lurkers afraid to talk. The ironing! Phone Post

 These guys were pretty cool. I have already officially upgraded them from lurker status to newb. Congrats, guys!

who are these lurkers?

and heiniken sucks ass....pigs eye is the beer to go with

They didn't have Natural Light.

Hey mikie...your little girl was very hot!!! yes I was lurking...

Bobby those girls were with me. I tried to pawn them off on Lyles and ElCid but they both blew it! Phone Post

W v. M!! I'll always be here....

I was one of the lurkers...been waiting on my confirmation, but lost it in a ton of emails. It was great to put some faces to names...still not sure if I have them right, though! Unfortunately, couldn't hang around too long to talk. Had to get my drunk brother home!!! But will hang again some time!

Welcome fren!

Welcome to the OKUG, newb! Phone Post

Also after many swirling rumors Lyles finally came public as the illegitiment father of Andrew Todhunter.

We've got some catching up to do, son. Phone Post

There was an uncanny resemblance!!!