Michael Jackson's return to Gary, Indiana...



That was interesting. 

Who's Freddie Gibbs 

bungee up -

That was interesting. 

Who's Freddie Gibbs 


I never knew he had a partner. What was this Gary guy like? 

HillboFrateTrane -

I never knew he had a partner. What was this Gary guy like? 


Good voice

Gary in Diana?


I thought this was going to be about that guy who beat up cm punk

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Freddie was great a few years ago. Kind of fell off. His delivery is great. As for MJ, I worked for Atlantic Aviation at Midway Airport when he arrived in his jet. Got to see him up close. Never seen a more fragile, AIDS looking person in my life. He was super nice. 

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Gancho Al Hígado -

Freddie was great a few years ago. Kind of fell off. His delivery is great. As for MJ, I worked for Atlantic Aviation at Midway Airport when he arrived in his jet. Got to see him up close. Never seen a more fragile, AIDS looking person in my life. He was super nice. 

I didn't really like Bandana, but Pinata is one of my favorite albums in the past 10 years. Maybe top 5 hop hop for me.

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That might have more to do with Madlib. But Freddie's trap stuff isn't bad. Just not my cup of tea.