Michael Johnson receives 20% back

In my book respect is always earned, never given. Hats off to @rushammer for not only a tough fight our last outing, but also being a man of your word. Respect was earned, hands down. #victory #teammenace #securethebag #bagsecured #menacecity #ufc pic.twitter.com/ifEIBinr95

— Michael Johnson (@FollowTheMenace) November 8, 2018

GOAT doing GOAT like stuff. 

Well done Artem. If you had longer arms you would be the GOAT.

Awesome to hear!

Choo choo mother-fuckers.

i love how much everyone loves artem lmao 

Props to Artem . 

Artem is a man’s man’s man.

Earned my respect.

If artems ma hadn't of fucked a t rex he'd be multiple weight champ 

mrspeakershere -

i love how much everyone loves artem lmao 

When did this start? On TUG people were hating him. 

If nothing else, at least he's a man of his word.

Artem is the hardest cage fighter i know plus he so rich he gives back to the people - Respect the GOAT!

Oh, come on, his arms aren't that short.

thats super cool of artem

That was cool of Arty. He doesn’t need money anyways, Conor is his bff