Michael "The DIS-Count" Bisping (pic)


I found this to be quite funny and wanted to share with my UG brethren.

I hereby dub thee Michael "The Dis-Count" Bisping.

Lmao! Well played!

Lol well done!!

haha nice one

 haha..    that was actually quite funny...

..by your standards ;)

Bullshit. The TS moved the Bisping figure from the hot sellers shelf and put it in clearance. I've seen that figure sold out everywhere I go.

 Explodingboy, dont be sour. Bisping was riding the clearance rack.

At least be happy he's on the top shelf.

 Obvious set-up..     you just found the last available,best-selling Bisping figure & placed it on the clearance rack for this photo..    (before purchasing it at full price) 

nice try though..

explodingboy - 

Bullshit. The TS moved the Bisping figure from the hot sellers shelf and put it in clearance. I've seen that figure sold out everywhere I go.

That looks like a Target, I'm sure the English are not a favorite amongst the middle-America crowd.


 If British males played with dolls then i`m sure the Bisping figure would be a MASSIVE seller..  

 I will go back and take a picture of the back where the red "discount" price sticker is.

I'm thinking about buying it and then taking pictures of Michael "The Discount" Bisping getting beat up by my niece's barbies. Maybe let my gf's yorkie chew on him a bit.

explodingboy - 

Bullshit. The TS moved the Bisping figure from the hot sellers shelf and put it in clearance. I've seen that figure sold out everywhere I go.

That looks like a Target, I'm sure the English are not a favorite amongst the middle-America crowd.


 It was actually a TJ Maxx. I was surprised to see it in there. There werent any other figurines but if there were, they might have been somewhere else (read: NOT in the clearance section)

explodingboy - <p>Bullshit. The TS moved the Bisping figure from the hot sellers shelf and put it in clearance. I've seen that figure sold out everywhere I go.</p>

How do you see it sold out ?

If its sold out then its not there - hence you cannot see it ?


Haha. I like Bisping but set up or not that was still funny and well played. Somebody show him this thread because I think he'd find it funny as well.

Good stuff nader haha


good stuff Nader

ramit upper -  haha..    that was actually quite funny...

..by your standards ;)


