mike fowler is ATOS now?

first ryan hall...now fowler. is JT next?

is team LI falling apart?

Switched over to Atos and moved back to San Diego to train under Galvao.

really? I know he had a great relationship with the mendes brothers, didnt know he went to atos though. Good for him if thats what he choses to do.

I don't think he would leave his school that he built with Tracey Goodell in North Shore. Mike Fowler and Tracey Goodell to Atos, now thats big news. Could be money like the same reason Ryan left

 ATOS is definitely lacking female competitors.

 If the Mendes brothers learn the secret Team LI techniques that result in you pooping cobras or shooting fists out of your ass, there will be no stopping them. Way to go, Fowler.

hall is atos?

i thought he was his own gym and trained with marcelo

 no hall is not with atos

With Lloyd and his affiliates bringing the Mendes bros in for seminars, I imagine the teams are pretty close. Probably an amicable thing.

Wait, what am I saying? Sound the alarms! Fell deeds, awake, arise! Creonte! Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of forum drama!

Whew, that wore me out, I'm sleepy. Phone Post

AlliancePA - Switched over to Atos and moved back to San Diego to train under Galvao.

No, he still lives in Hawaii.

Cant go wrong with Atos at all......will do nothing but up his game even more....good choice

Richard_SPBJJ - 
AlliancePA - Switched over to Atos and moved back to San Diego to train under Galvao.

No, he still lives in Hawaii.

Sorry, my mistake. Are we just splitting hairs as in he hasn't moved back yet or is he staying in Hawaii? I heard he was planning on moving back there so they could train full time with Galvao and the Mendes bros. Perhaps I was misinformed.

if Mike feels he's a better fit with the Atos training and competition philosophy then go for it.

Did not move back to San Diego. Still live in Hawaii.


you're the shit buddy.

disclaimer: "shit" in this instance is a good thing.

Mike Fowler - Did not move back to San Diego. Still live in Hawaii.

Nice. Are you planning on getting back into tournaments more or are you still concentrating on the gym?

The gym is always priority but doing what necessary to compete more! Excited to be back at new weight!

I like what ATOS is doing.

 when the mendes bros move to newport beach it is gonna be pretty crazy. where can a broke guy live out by there?

 It seems fitting to plug this new 31fifty shirt that dropped tonight, particularly since I have been following the brand since the start and I am a fellow Atos team member :)
